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Saturday, June 04, 2005
11:15 PM *Everyone has a weakness* *He just happens to be mine* *He looked me deeply in the eyes. he lied and said "i won't make u cry" and when i thought it was 2 good 2 be true, he blew me off and found someone new* *U say u can't stand 2 c me get hurt,so do u close ur eyes when u hurt me?* *I'm tired of tryiing - I'm tired of cryiing - I know I've been smiling - but inside I'm dyiing* *MaNy NiTeS i'Ve CrIeD fRoM tHe ThInGs U dO, fElT lYkE DyiNg WeN i LosT yOu.* *~People Change - Things go wrong - Shit Happens - BUT - L i f e . G o e s . O n ~*