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Thursday, May 11, 2006
12:13 AM friidayy - MT paper 1 and 2 mondayy - History ;; EL paper 1 ;; MT (LC) tuesdayy - science ;; EL paper 2 wed - Geog ;; Maths paper 1 and 2 monday - Art ;; DnT 2 more papers and im free! wahahaha. holidayys, here ii come! 25th may ish our off dayy. kekex. due to the polling tiing. they shuld hab more ob tiis kinda stuff niia. hahas. hahas. last sundayy after ****** lesson, mama fetch miie from lot1. den shopped ard lot 1. den she told miie she saw sometiing touching while waiting for miie. she said she saw 3 paiikiia talking talking. den gorrt 1 blind woman cant fiind the entrance cosh alorrt ppl. so the paiikiia go help. den while telling miie, she criied. haiiyo. see. paiikiia are guud ppl lorrhs. onli u dunno dem onli. DUN JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER. hahas. *** ![]() waiitiing ish tiring. iim falling.