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Friday, June 02, 2006
11:45 PM 1st dayy obb EMERGE. - POS ![]() tiis iish the CROWD. ![]() beat boxing guyy. wahahha. COOL. ![]() WEST CLUSTER! NUS derrh. triied to fiind for broCK. den saw the chickenn. den ii tot. broCK saiid that we CONFIRM wun be able to spot hiim derrhs. but, ii proved hiim wrong! he must hab been the wann in chicken costume! wahahaha. met hiim after the whole tiing oso. denn he was the ONLI wan not iin the uniform. and, ii asked hiim iif he was the wann. he said ' HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL '. wad other clues do u niid? =X EMERGE - 2nd dayy. ii diin go!got the stupiid CIP. JUNYANG, KELLY POON and TAUFIG went lorrhs! pii! ii no go. taoyann~ ii got ELAIN and SHUYI going 2molo! ii even bought dem tiings to thank dem for going nehhs. hahas. PS: fotos taken todayy will be posted TOMORROW.