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Monday, July 24, 2006
12:12 AM went to bugiis wiib xuetiing and piigkor. ii was supposedd to be the wann late. budd dens, iin the end ii still ended up waiitiing for dem. ii was late for 1hr lorrhs. they were late for 1.5 hr ? lalalas . hahas . dens svc . the marriage wanns . dens saw the couple iin front obb miie huggingg each other wen iit was towards the end obb the svc . ii guess the svc realli made dem lurrve each other more bahhs . dens went BS dens met the rest obb the CG lorrhs. den off we go ! plannedd kaiiyiinjiie's surprise . miie , justiin and cedriic. plan until wanns diie arhs. hahas. LONG STORY. so ii just cut short. ii brought kaiiyiinjiie to outsiide 7-11. dens after ced and justin 0k lerrhs justiin call kaiiyiinjiie den cedric pop out behind us den miie and ced start siingiing happi bday song. she was so touchedd that tears was iin her eyes lorrhs. hahas. HARD WORK. hahas. ![]() iim HIIS babygurrl ! ![]() miie and xuetiingg ! ![]() ![]() ii NOLONGER walk alone ! ![]() miie iin blackiie ! xuetiing iin whiite . and