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Saturday, September 23, 2006
12:19 AM I MISSEDD YOOH LAST NIGHT . was studying for HE test for today. ok. WANTED to study for HE test. budd, ii rmbed that a few thursday niites ago, ii was studying for HE test oso. budd that was different. ii had hiim to accompany miie that thursday night . last night ii suddenly thot obb hiim and.. well, ii gave up studying. x) MANI MANI things happened today lorrhs ! HE lesson. had 3mins to do self revision. budd it's not revision for miie. it's self STUDY. hahas. ii just flip the pages here and dere and ii regreted not studying lerrhs. hahas. dens haben even memoriise anyting den teacher asked us stop reading liaos. wahlaos ehs. PANICKED. dens saw the paper. wahs. cold sweat. budd, not bad lehs. ii read de all come out. no read no come out. wahs. GOD ISH GOOD. AMEN AMEN ! dens went to our own grp derrhs. WAHLAOS . ass farni how we bulliedd the teacher. teacher call who's name dens we say who in the other class. asked for husaini's name dens say he ish FAIZ. dens teacher wrote in class diary. kana sabo-ed. he not even in our grp. dens ask where is husaini dens sae he ABSENT. dens wrote down. dens alot alot tiings larrhs. 10.15am she still dun wanna let us off for recess. dens stella and jia jia wanted to leave. dens ask miie wann or nt. dens ii ask yijin. dens yijin go shout. 'CLASS STAND' dens the 4 obb us stand dens mani others followed. dens we just say THANK YOU and LEFT. hohoho. IvanDI more power. haben even recess he just left the room. just walk out. POWER. dens went to classroom husaini was dere liquiding away the things teacher wrote. dens ii say ' just tear out larrhs !' dens husaini tore the paper and ii FORGE the teacher's signature on the other piece obb paper x) yay ! we rules canns ?! dens iin class ii was over to shiiyimeii de table to ask abt the IPW presentation tiing. dens on muii way backk yijin go call miie "laopo.." dens ii stun. dens go sayy backk " laogongg.." LOLS. wahlaos ehs. ii lurrbe muii class larrhs. dens present hao le ! yay ! ii went for CO okiies ?! ii diin go he zhou larrhs. too louya liaos. dens onli the 3 pipa juniors, eden, yingmao and miie iin the CO room. yingmao diin go he zhou cosh he wanns go the exchange programme to INDIA. so he had to go interview. he asked miie help hiim wiib the speech. hahas. so help lo. dens awhile he helped miie the yangqin lerrhs. after awhile chuhui, muii sec1 junior, came iin to teach miie. wahlaos ehs. no face le larhhs. sec 1 junior teach sec 2 senior. hohoho. dens dunno whiie all muii junior came back CO room. dens spent time wiib dem lorrhs. felt so close to dem. hahas. dens all 4 obb we went canteen to slack. wiib eden. hahas. dens 4.30pm they all came back lerrhs. dens FREE ! we all stood outsiide the gym. the lion dance practicing inside. dens 1 guy come open the door. dens dunno whiie zhuona they all went away ii still stand dere gong gong dunno whiie they go away. dens the guy playing the drum derrhs go throw the stick. wanted hiit the guy who opened the door budd missed dens almost hit miie. cosh ii was standing right outside the door . SIIAN. hahas . x) dens went to mac wiib dem. shiiyimeii and diiane were dere. hahas. came home. thot mama sleeping. wanted wait for her wake up. waited for 40mins dens she came out obb her room and told miie she wasnt sleeping. -.- siian larrhs. dens ii slept from 7+pm to 11pm. hahaha. yea lo. x) BACARDI ! cheerup kaes ? well, she lost 3close wanns tiis wk . we nv noe who's going to leave tomorrow. iib we knew, we wuld spent the whole obb tonight awake to be wiib dem. budd, the fact ish, we dunno who's the next beside us that's gonna leave. cheerup and be strong muii gurrl. iim here for u always . x) siian. ii feel that iim not as close as those who ii used to be berii close wiib le lorrhs. DEAR, qiinaiiderrh, potato, EILEEN and so on. how canns 1 be close wiib another? the onli way you'll feel close to the other person and make the other feel the same ish wen u habb secrets to share wiib dem. now that ii nolonger habb any secrets to share, dens no close fwens. that's the way it is. reason whiie iim so close to bacardi ish becosh mayb she spent the whole week msging miie . the week wen ii was feeling lost and down. she peii wo derrhs. and our day out on sat made our relationship closer. x) yupps. ![]() ![]() ![]() was talking abt tiis wiib qiinaiiderrhs the other niite and saw it just now at the LRT station. hohoho. TEMPTATIONS. x) ![]() view from muii window ! yay ! 戒不掉对你的依靠 失去重心该怎么好 每个表情都能治疗 相思的煎熬 戒不掉你对我的好 像被关在想念的牢 只剩寂寞缠绕着我 我无路可逃