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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
holiday boredom.
10:36 PM HOLIDAY ish so BORING ! spent the whole day wiib muii eyes STUCK on the tv. watch EIGHT BELOW. i strongly recommend!! it's verii verii VERII nice ! it's veri touching la. ok. mayb i too emo. budd, REALLI IS NICE ! mayb im too OVER dogs. saw a dog died. i teared. ib it was human, i wuldnt feel much. x) i saw how a dog can hab this special bond wiib a human. learnt how dogs can be loyal. saw how dogs can care for each other. and i realised. i'm able to give that kind on thrust to dogs that i cant give to humans. humans are one kinda dangerous animals. i lost my thrust in them. :) yeahhs. watchedd HAUNTED MANSION on disney channel. not onli that. watched pratically MANI cartoons. OMGosh. some cartoons are REALLI childish. some are childish too la, budd i found dem cute. x) getting the option form tomorrow. blahhs. GOD BLESS ME ! :) ![]() may bangla fcuk those who ** ![]() for you, i will.