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Wednesday, February 07, 2007
the BLUES.
10:25 PM woo. how long have i not been online. since monday, i guess. it's been stressing man. i cant take the weight. r/s. family. friends. went back to co and i realised how fun it can be. i'd better treasure the time i still have left with my two wonderful seniors. ((: well, i have to admit. during the 2days he dint reply, i took up the courage to already put down our r/s. and i guess i've succeded? so, my heart's dead? family, shall not talk about it. friends, i suddenly thot about how many people i've drifted away from. and, i miss them. i really do.. i miss my abbah daddy. i want to go back to his side ! )): expensive watch ! huiying's. 对不起. you made me learn how to live without you. Jack kor. ((: 我听着你说爱我 感觉却如此寂寞 笑容只维持几秒就变酸了 此刻我只想找一个出口 逃离这混乱荒谬 爱不爱改天再说 我想你真的爱我 但我也真的很痛 不然不会连亲吻都苦苦的 哪里才会有离开你的出口 可是我离开以后 能往哪里走 听着你说好爱我 感觉却不是感动 这一次拥抱以后还有没有 谁能告诉我哪里有出口 能让我逃出这个 我快沉没的漩涡 就算真找到出口