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Friday, May 11, 2007
geog, mt oral, chem/bio, maths p1
11:00 PM well, haven been online for a long time. thursday, geog paper. i wanted to give up on geog but it turned out, it's pretty easy. ((: after sch yday, had emaths. then, before that me, annabelle, shuyi, luqman went to buy sweet talk. sneak it into school. darn funny with luqman. i was laughing until my head almost drop out from sweet talk all the way back to school. luqman is the entertainer man. hoho. mole guy. xD today, totally bullshit. maths p1 and chem/bio paper1. it's like, although i spent alot time on them but nothing go in. and mdmCHIN's kind. as me and shuyi were walking towards the school gate alrdy, mintao, mark and gang called us back from the staff room which is like across the parade sq. walked back and she gave us a small grp extra lesson. asked the girls to go first. then went JP with Jess for Mothers' Day present. head home, bathe, slept. ((: woke up at 7pm+. some mother fcuking noisy chatterbox were SO loud. kids shout shout shout. then mother scold scold scold. everyday same routine. like mother like children. one day the children sure rebel till siao one. good luck ah, by then. and curse you for waking me up from my beautiful sleep. jialat. i feel that the rebelling side of me is coming out againnnnnnn. =X vulgarities starts spilling all over the place now. ![]() DuckieKOR said i look like aunty in this pic. will mehs ?! wed. oily face. nice ! (: thursday. mr VICTOR YUEN. the best (: one of my fishy died. 5years old now. ): ![]() she said her nose looks like Micheal Jackson's. haha. chicken little for chicky to see. Gorilla face. made me and jess LAUGHED OUT LOUD.