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Monday, July 23, 2007
8:46 PM CAPRICORN Just because there are some emotionally charged things going on in your life right now does not mean you can lose your objective reasoning. First of all, things could be a lot worse -- your dramas are fairly minor if you look at what's going on in the world around you. Don't throw yourself a pity party today -- no one likes them very much! If you can keep your sensitivities toned down, you will see things accurately -- apply caution when making conclusions. VIRGO A sweet group conversation could move into very controversial territory today. Some folks might get uncomfortable, but you and your intellectually curious mind will love every minute of it. Dig into the issues that are not cut and dried, and explore all the shades of nuance and interpretation in them. No two people experience the same reality, and it's rewarding to try to explain your particular reality to someone else. Listen with ears wide open. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIYINJIE. she's still my dear sister. (: im one of the 1st 5 to msg her. hoho. (: at night went to take my previous phone to check the calendar to make sure i didnt get the wrong date. then saw the past msges and photos. hoho. xD dearest called me at almost 5am in the morning. and he asked me to call him up at 12pm. first thing i said to Shuyi when she arrived in school was 'hope mdm chai dont come today.' reason being, her lesson in at 12pm. xD and she really didnt come ! wahahaa. praise the Lorddddd. xD Miss See didnt come today too. we had 3hours of free period. xD during OEL, me and Shuyi went to toilet and i called dearest till he woke up. but he went back to sleep. xD then we went downstairs. the anti-bullying thingy. thot nobody would see us, but when we went there, i heard Alif calling my name. looked up, saw the whole group of them outside 3/5. -.- l0llll. then went back up agn. (: stayed back for CS enrichment. met mama after school and we went market to walkkkkkkk. (: home ! PS: i seriously need more sleeeeeeeeeep. PPS: dearest has been sleeping like there's no tmr. xD last time msg. i finished Sudoku in class today! hoho. MINTAO SHOULD STOP BULLYING ME ! one day, my left arm would be covered in bruises. ): the photos. Diane's IC. sec1 girl ran away from home. mata come school find her. Girl not in school. this is what i heard. die ah. she see, i die. xD i filled it up for them. xD PAST PAST PHOTOS. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() uncle LOY's wedding.