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Saturday, September 29, 2007
9:51 PM ![]() 我们变成了世上 最熟悉的陌生人 Although we're still together, i feel that we're so far apart. i thot i would only not have time with you when you're on your trip. but it seems like we're having lesser time together during your holidays. not even time for a single msg from you. you're allowing me to slowly adapt to life without you, baby. i'd slowly fall out of love with you. but when i think of what a person you are, i'd fall back in. but thing is, i forget what kind of a person are you most of the time. baby. where is this r/s going? what happened to the promises? is eternity reaching it's point? is forever ending agn? you once said im one of the few who knows so much about you. but why do i feel i dont know you almost at all. i really wouldnt want to let you go, again. you're my happiness now. but how long it's going to last, i dont really know. 3rd mth's 2 hours away from now. 100th day is a week and 2days from now. and i dont know if, we'd even last till then. actually, i should be contented. this r/s shouldnt happen at all. i thot i lost you for good the previous time. this, is bonus. and yes, i felt loved by you. you made this period of my life, a very memorable one. 我不想忘记你. 就算可以, 我宁可记得所有伤心.