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Monday, November 05, 2007
11:06 PM ![]() i saw this from ELAINE HONG YING JING's friendster. and aww. it's been ages since we last went out. ): i didnt want to blog but i promised dear that i would today. 1 week not online! wheeeeee. too busy and tired to be online. and just uploading the photos took me almost 2hours. people should stop abusing animals. or kill sharks or whales or horses. dont abuse dogs, cats, hamsters. they, too, have feelings. screw those who kill or torture animals. i wanna own a killer whale! xD the wind's getting stronger towards the end of the year. i dont even need to on the fan during tuition now. Apple's been so obedient nowadays. Dear's been acting weird. so scary.. and, im waiting for somebody to add me in msn with his new acc... xD a meal at 6.15pm is LUNCH to dear. now, see. how pig is he. xD 29th. went for AEM at Republic Poly. after attending 5days of Digital Animation there, we could get direct admision there. xD my group consists of Abi, Shuyi, WeiZhen, Jeremy and of course, ME! Jeremy was damn irritation. -.- i know he means no harm but... spent the whole day there till 5.30pm. she look so scary lah. 30th. 4th month! xDD Went to school. Had lessons. i was transferred to the Enrichment Programme for English. i thot that it was good. xD same class as Jessica, Yiwen, XiaoYun. rather than the other class of no friends. ): but i could only attend 2 lessons due to AEM. i dont like Jess' hair cut. =x Shuyi came over after that. rented and watched The House Of Wax. ewwwww. 1st. AEM agn. did more serious work this time. i was so proud of the house lah! then at the very very last min before going home, MY COMP HANGED! i had to redo everything the next day. ): 2nd. i was getting a hang of using Apple comp. Abi was absent and the whole group seemed to quiet. and thanks to Edwin, SeeTing and ZiAn. they helped ALOT in my work. emo-ing. and she teleported there. STORY BOARD. we missed each other.. and then, we quarrelled. xD END OF STORY BOARD. 3rd. Went Fareast and Heeren with EILEEN KHOO. and she's damn retard. in Heeren, went into this shop with Glass Display. she thot there's no glass and stretched her hand for the things inside and knocked into the glass. RETARD RIGHT?! LOL. i laughed until dont know like that. yes, going out with her is good. i have somebody to accompany me to my doorstep. she'd always come up to my house first. xD 4th. i've got a new mirror! took 985. wanted to go to Bukit Timah Plaza but got lost and ended in Toa Payoh. found our way at last. had PizzaHut for dinner. went Queens Way after that to get FBT shorts. saw something cuteeeeeeeee. xD went ikea after that. and when going home, we got lost agn. spent 1hour to find our way and at lost took a cab. we ran in the rain. ): today, i got praised! yay. i improved on working on the animation! wheeeeeeee. and Sorry Luqman and Fiona! i couldnt attend their celebration just now. if Luqman called an hour earlier, i would have been able to attend it. anw, Happy Belated Birthday to both of you! there's one INTRUDER who tried using my internet just now! roar. screw him or her. also watched The Seeker with shuyi one of the days. i cant remember when. and Shuyi fell asleep and my mind ran dont know where.