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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
10th month.
11:31 PM 10 months aint easy, but im glad we made it this far. why shouldnt we rejoice when we've come this far? :D Happy birthday Alan! :D screwed up SS. :/ lucky fr me that chap 1 didnt come out cause i didnt study that! praise the Lord. I've got an ACSI chem tutor. $70 an hour, 2hours each session, making it $560 a month. :O i swear im going to earn 10times of what im spending on tuition.. i'm going to score in my O's! &weiwei. dont write 'smile' on my book but draw an inverted smiling face okay? smile is like this ---> :D :D We live by faith, not by sight. -2 corinthians 5:7 you've done so much & i appreciate it, really. you're the only love i'll ever need.