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Wednesday, July 02, 2008
7:36 PM God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. -William Shakespeare 30th. ah, Oral. the 2nd last in place, partnering HongYee. I started t get nervous when it was my turn next. Everybody brought in notes, etc. ZhiMin, a bible. o.O that's seriously cooooooool. When the room was left w me, Hongyee, Kenny & Zhimin, i got nervous and asked Zhimin t quote me smtg from th bible. & it really works okay! I calmed down. :D well, my question was on the Govt thingy, what do we think of the govt not allowing the shop keepers t put their goods on the corridor. & i remembered this rule was strengthen aft the fire incident in Hougang. Cause, i rmb Kenneth told me it happened t the block beside his and if he was home, he'd cfm go see see look look (typical Singaporean, kpo! :/ ) So, i hurriedly said, 后港(hougang), in cantonese. -.- wtffffff. & i started staaa-mmerr-ringggg. Read two words wrongly from the passage. They were super impatient, mayb perhaps they wanna go home early? I only paused fr a short while (0.5sec?) & she shoot a question. -.- & the looked like Ruhua, another looked like she was gonna faint anytime. ahhhhh. sucky. 1st. Joked in class w Mark, Mintao &Shuyi. -.- & later that day... I received weird phone call... Me: Hello? Unknown: 你没有去学校啊,我打给你老师了. (you nv go school ah, i called your teacher alrdy) Me:你是谁?(who are you?) Unknown:你没有去学校......(you nv go school.....) i hanged up. Called back. Me: Hello?! Unknown: 你很没有礼貌leh (you v no manners leh) Me:你是谁?(who are you?) (forgot what he said) i hanged up, again. Called back, again. Me: Hello?!....... Unknown: 是uncle lah! (silence) Unknown: 忧郁症! (Depression!) .......... LOL. wth, he called me because mama went t get a bag from him. -.- mama went shopping w 姑姑. She flew back t Switzerland this morning. he told me somebody stole his bag and he was feeling v unhappy. hah. shocked, shocked. 2nd. mrsTan was absent, MissLum had oral, i went t school fr nth. had a haircut & seriously, the worst i ever had. Are hair stylist just dumb or i have a problem communicting w them? -.- it nv gets right. what do you call smbody who feels like crying, fr no particular reason?... i call it, INSANE. yes, i think im going insane. or mayb i have a twin i nv know of and she/he's feeling down. -.- whatever. cant wait fr weekends. eh, ppl... wanna feedback t th sch t let us off on Friday aftnoons?..... cause i feel that i dont have space t breatheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (not literally lah!) i took these when i was drunk, i guess. i dont rmb taking these pictures... i drank because i couldnt get t sleeeeeeep lah! NPFA, Silver. :D Choco from Switzerlandddddd! :D i almost died due t the pain, it bleed, and pus kept oozing out. headband arrived! She's prettttty smart. It's only paper that she used t wrap! ![]() she likes t give innocent faces lor.... fugly hair. & what does it signify when you wished me 1st anni, & what does it signify when you called me at 3+am last night, & then asking me what are we? idk. why not you tell me? why do you keep making me make the decision? cant you tell me what's on your mind? tell me, if there's still anything fr me t hold on, cause it's tiring holding onto nth. tell me, tell me. well, i can wait, but i cant wait forever. i dont like making decisions, i dont like making decisions. everytime i make them, things tend t go wronggggggg. have you loved anyone, th way you loved me? see lah, now im missing you, again. -.- UPDATED! i totally support xiaxueeeeeee! you go girl! :D (you mean you dont read her blog?!) :D