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Saturday, August 16, 2008
i swear.
8:20 PM I'll never say enough, cause it wasnt said t you. This ain't lust, i know this is love. I've got to re-upload all my 2400+ photos from my phone cause the other stupid programme is suddenly not working. zzz Let's see. This week. I got back my MT results. A fcuking B3 and i'm not happy. Now i've gotta retake it! Must be the stupid Oral's fault. Those examiners wanna rush home. I was one of the last few. But God decided t be nicer t me this time. I was the 3rd in line fr English Oral. Oral on Thursday. It was easy...but i guess i was too nervous and kept stammering while reading. Conversation was alright, i guess. They even asked additional questions! :D People, if your head is like Diane's (old ppl mindset) , let me tell you this. For conversation, it's not that when the examiners ask you more meaning you'd done badly. They can shoot any questions at you as long as they like it. yeah. & Mr Kong came in t lecture the class aft we received our results. Kena shoot by him fr sleeping in class -.- Watched Money No Enough 2 yesterday w Shuyi at JP. Thanks t her movie cupons, we caught the movie fr FREE :D well, the any other Jack Neo films lor. Funny funny, sad sad. Talk about govt, etc. But the kinship part was not bad. Teared twice. When the wife went t jail fr husband, and when they sent the mother t the old folks home. Stamps fist in the other palm Nabei (hahahaha). Home at almost 12am. Again, have t thank her parents fr sending me home :D I've been waiting fr Wall-E since last year. I wanna catch it! 28th aug :DD If you're lucky, my nuffnang advertisment would be a short advert on the movie. Click and watch! :D ZhengWen wanna be a tattooist. It's nice t have a dream. I......dont even have a goal. Apple is irritating me now. Damn. but i just cant get mad at her -.- ![]() This is Michele Phelps. & he is HOT. He's won 6 gold medals alrdy. & from what i heard... He's blind in one eye. His feet size is a fcuking 15 ![]() Let's pray that Singapore Table Tennis get the GOLD! it's PUBLIC HOLIDAY IF THEY DO! & i'll be fcuking proud of Singapore :D ![]() Her eyes followed it... ![]() & she followed it till..... -.- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is....BANANA PASTE. & i tell you, it's a v stupid experiment... i find no reason t say no :D Time really flies.. Less than 2months t O's.... Backtrack... Jan; First morning of the year, I had my first breakfast of the year w Shuyi, Yj and Xl. Things werent fine btw me and him.. 3rd, my birthday and i celebrated it w the girls :D 10th, mama's birthday. & also the day when he went t serve the nation. Feb; caught our first movie tght on first day of CNY. ..... & we've come this far, t where we are now. Yet, conflicts still occur.... i wonder, if you even think about me like i do. I know, from the start we got tght, you just treated me as any other girl. You changed since you started serving the nation. & i nv thot you'd ever change. I guess, waiting fr more than a year paid off. I've seen you change, fr me. thank you. argh, i wanted t say hell loads, but i forgot everything when i wanna type it out. it always happens!!!!! f. irritating.. 你要离开 我知道很简单 你说依赖 是我们的阻碍 就算放开 但能不能别没收我的爱 当作我最后才明白