The Red Carpet ♥

Friday, December 26, 2008

I shall slowly explain my title for this entry.......

Last wed went down t meet up w baby,
last Thursday he came down t me work place and passed me donuts :D
OMGosh, KennethL. doing smtg like that leh! HAHAHA ♥♥♥♥♥
Friday, he told me smtg that disappointed me. But then he came down t meet me anddd....settled! But i'm still disappointed hor!

Oh yah, & from friday t sunday, I had Dante a.k.a Chun Feng a.k.a 'eat snake' a.k.a super smart ass t help me at work.

Although he smokes like crazy, but he's one smart ass.

Direct Admission t Nanyang JC leh! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

& i almost quarrelled w 2 customers on Sat............

& i had fever right aft eating KFC. Reached home w a temperature of 39.0 degrees.

Work ended on 23rd.
I'll miss work, & everyone there.

Smart Ass.

Apple's becoming a ball lor.

Mua donut.

Cards from.....mummy -.-
She sent it through mail. wtf.

Michelle :D
Triple science de okay?!

21st, GCY's birthday :D
just a simple msg from me.

Mua presents for this year :D

Top is from mummy t me.
Bottom is from mummy t Shuyi because she stayed over!

So adorable lah!



Met up w baby for dinner at vivo agn.
My workplace is goneeeeeeeee.
I asked him t bring me out for dinner, and he really brought me out for dinner!!!!! zzz
Hence, I went down t woodlands t meet Shuyi for Twilight. Not bad, not bad.

went t Paragon w mama. Parked miles away.
Baby said I walk from Paragon back t the car longer than from there back home.
Went in Burberry.

dk which t choose...


& i chose the black one eventually!


& the stupid staff there gave me that smug face when I held out the bag, haven said anything and she said 'one thousand one hundred'. I said, 'I know. I want a new piece.' and her bloody face changed immediately -.-

Dumb ass.

Went t LotOne w Shuyi today, and she tempted me t get a pair of shoe from Cotton On :(
then, we bought ticket's for breakout.
Collected my contact lens from shop downstairs.
Bought 2 logcakes. One for mama and whoever in this house and another for Baby's family :D

Ohyah, i purchased smtgs that are worth $70+ in watsons yday. I used nets and the cashier typed in $14.40. HAHAHHAA. Money saved.

The song Silent Night, is 190 years old.

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It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.-Tennyson



