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Friday, March 20, 2009
10:33 PM Let me start my entry like this (okay, not exactly cause I typed this at the start alrdy) : FCUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! I had a haircut yday and.................fcuk. OMGosh. My hair damn thin, agn. My fringe, is gone. Wahlao! & this morning, Shuyi called me super early and wanted to highlight her hair. So she came over. And the person psychoed me to cut, agn. So i let him, since he worked in Fareast and Bugis bfr... &, i think, aiyah. My hair is hopeless now :( Make it growwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Outing w them yday :) Look at my hairrrrrrrrrrrr. Shuyi kept patting me and going 'so cute!~~~' -.- Bought hairband immediately! My bank account is drying up~~~ Happy 17th Birthday Jacq and Annabelle!! :D "If you dont trust anyone, put your faith on me." -一切完美