The Red Carpet ♥

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Internet down. 7:40 PM

Yo, I'm finally back.
Internet down, or should I say, somehow the IP address went haywire.
& then, my router's down too. So i'm not using wireless now. Wahlao. So sad.

I've just received a reply for an e-mail that I sent 2months back. Regarding working in Adidas.....
Win liao. He cant read my resume cause i'm using 2007's version of Microsoft Office. So how long do I need t wait agn.... -.-

Hmmm, now i needa decide on the lappy for poly. Looks or weight? Lol.

Ohyah, so i'm working at the IT Fair from march 12 to 15 for Seagate.
Come visit okay? :D

ZhengWen, what happened t your blog?

Low Kay Hwa is from my course lor!! LOL. Cool not?
You know, LKH, that Singapore writer....

Mummy found this drawing I did......when i was 7?

I cut my own fringe. LOL

While eating....

Shuyi: Chris Brown 真的有这样暴力 (really so violent) meh? (go google and search if you dk what happened)
Me: Huh? Fish ball 真的有这样暴力 meh?!?!


Bought yellow umbrella cause it was raining. It always rains when we wanna go Cine!!

Anw, caught a movie w Shuyi and Ahboon that day (last Thursday). Let the Right One In. KNS lor. Shuyi, please dont choose movie anm. LOL. I almost fell asleep...just aft sitting for 10seconds. No kidding.

Went t have dinner at Botok Jones aft that, w Benny.


Fry egg day (Friday).

Out w ChunFeng. Headed down t Hougang cause....he was playing pool w his friends -.-
Went t Hougang Plaza, then Hougang Mall for a short while, and to his place (I waited at the bus stop), and back t Hougang MRT to Vivo.

Caught He's Just Not That Into You w his two sisters and their boyf.

Movie ended at midnight -.- Called mummy t come save me or i'd have t spend a bomb on taxi fare. Love Mummy (insert bigbig heart)


Went for medical check up yday.
Then t JP aft that. OMGosh. So in loveeeeeeee w a pair of shoes from Mondo.
Am so gonna get it this Thursday.

Last night

Me: Natadecoco lah.
Mummy: Huh? 苦苦?

LOL. Okay, so learn. Dont talk w your mouth full.

So, aft days of persistant begging and all, my heart still wasnt open.
But it got soften when I woke up seeing the 30 missed calls on my phone....

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It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.-Tennyson



