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Monday, March 15, 2010
1:19 AM Genting trip from 11th to 13th! Photos from my cam. More (and i mean A LOT more) in Shuyi's cam! The gloves still in the pocket smr. hahah K that's it! hahah I didnt post ALL from my cam oso lah. It'd take forever. Though there're a few hiccups here and thr but I think all of us still enjoyed it :) & i'm always the one waking the ppl up in Genting. TOUGH JOB K. Thank God Min Choo is a light sleeper in our room and Andy wakes the easiest in the other room. But still, we missed breakfast on both days -.- Anw, i've spent like 3nights w Shuyi, Min Choo, Andy and Benny cause they stayed over at my place last night aft Genting too. Andy was too tired that he K.O-ed on my bed and snored like a pig. Hahah Min Choo is v afraid of Apple. Benny dk how to play MJ. Shuyi's nail has lots of bubbles nao. :D hahaha and MJ makes me high.