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Thursday, September 08, 2011
06 BBQ
4:48 PM Class bbq at ECP yday. Supposed to meet Fairuz, Arina etc earlier to travel down tght but Kim called me so decided t travel down w her instead. Pit C21 Leon's not frm our class bt he came down just to pass us th water dispenser. He's so nice! Surprisingly I can still skate. And I brought Apple along. Bt she looks quite different here. Lazee t change out of my high socks lol. Christine! Yes, Kim was thr! Green beetle Skated to th toilet alone to do my makeup! Hahah Drank bfr heading down to Rebel. I HATE VODKA FOR LIFE. Fairuz! Old man. Took this photo while Arina went to puke hahahah Shuyi's/Benny's friend. Erm, Micky? Shuyi just suddenly talked abt taking photo. Hahah P.s. I did this entry twice zzz SylviaQ.