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Sunday, June 25, 2006
3:04 AM friidayy went 0rchardd wiib potatola0po lorrhs. no CO. shho accompanyy herr to do YFC. sell chocolate diip tiings larrhs. den niid gloves. miie and potato went to buyy lorrhs. CANT FIND. went to watsons and manii other places. told potato the watsons sure got wann lorrhs. she dun believe miie. ask the person den the person oso sayy dun habb. then the boiis went to buyy lorrhs. they bought iit from watsons!! wtf. pekchek. run all over orchardd lorrhs. for 45min! somerset to orchard to somerset to orchardd dunno how manii tiimes. budd, nvm! memoriies were created iin that place!! taka, the roadd from orchardd to somerset.. manii manii memoriies! wen he put hiis hand ardd miie.. wen he touched miie on the headd.. where he beat some stupiid bangla up becosh obb miie.. OMGosh. haiish. whiie ii type tiis stupiid entryy.. ii was 4getting hiim de lorrhs. sayy all tiis memoriies.. now, ii fiindd that, ii cant let hiim go. AGAIN. each tiime ii wanna let hiim go den the stupiid feelings alwayys comes back. wadd the hell. FASTING AND PRAYER. always for hiim. shho manii dayys, time, energy, tears, cuts.. all for hiim.. nth happens.. 24o6o6 - LJJ ASKED US NV TO 4GET TIIS DATE! LJJ CONCERT. LJJ ROCKS ! ii saw zhiyangg iinfront miie buying driinks . kekes . =X ![]()