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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
11:21 PM woke up at 4pm 2dayy nahhs ! =X den practiice piiano, yangqiin and do verii little obb maths hw nahhs. ii shho guaii 2dayy. =X den went to bring baobeii down walk walk agn. hahas. after that went westmall buyy graph paper, maths and sci guide, U zhou kan - MY LJJ FONT COVER XD , tank and dunno wadd cd. shuld be all bahs.. hmm. ya lorrhs. kiinda fed up wiif stupiid fb nias. ok larrhs. iim not feeling anytiing abt gibing fb, budd they like kiip wanting ppl like that lorrhs. WTF. they just wann manii manii MANII ppl go. wahlaos. den ii gorrt ask ppl go wann lorrhs. ii even asked stevenn and riichardd lorrhs. den dagege was like saying "whiie u until now no unconfirm fwens?" kaobeiis. ii ask dem den theyy all anytiing wann. they heard ish church members den all "NO". wth. like ii dun wan dem come like that. shiit ass. all hear church derrhs den all dun wan come le lorrhs. force force force. wtfh. FED UP. siingapore's rating for politeness : 30/35. omgg. siingaporeans, BUCK UP! ![]() LOL?