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Saturday, July 29, 2006
12:55 AM manii tiings happen todayy larrhs . 1st ii learnt obb a guud news in the morning iin skool . MR PENG LEAVING THE SKOOL ! hahas . ass happi . ii sackedd hiim . take note . yarrhs . dens.. stoodd and listen to mr lee nag for the whole form teacher's periodd . dens learnt that muii qiinaiiderrhs cry . OMGosh lorrhs . mdm koh giib her offence form . ii nv see muii qiinaiiderrhs cry before lorrhs . dens waitedd for mr leong wiib dem lorrhs. they habing meetingg. dens after the like 30mins talkiing iin the staff rm wiib mr leong, ii told hiim ii from 2/5 . he dun even noe ii from hiis class lorrhs . blurr . still muii fav teacher . haiiyoyo . dens he ask miie go out . taoyann lorrhs . so miie and nanapopo went out. dens play game outsiide. hahas. yarrhs . dens peii qiinaiiderrhs. cosh she oso dun feel like going CCA liaos . so pon wiib her lorrhs . went opp mac dens lot1. dens went home chatt wiib piig laogongg for awhile dens went down to meet dem lerrhs . dens cg. was ok derrhs lorrhs . laiid handds . and did alorrt obb tiings whiich made miie feel like the cg realli verii unitedd until eleanore's father came up and brought the fcukiingg guardd up oso . dens spoil the whole dayy . siians . ii fastedd for 17hrs+ 2dayy lorrhs . 2molo fastingg agn . for Eleanore . and her bro . haiish . siians . ii was damn dulan lorrhs . haiish . both muii handds will be doingg God's workk ! ** haiish . ii feel shho useless lorrhs ! ii let manii manii ppl downn . fwens and whoever that cares for miie . esp muii piig laogongg. always talk to hiim always make hiim haiish wanns . and muii belovedd abbah father iin heavenn . haiish . wth . total biitch ii am . FCUKED UP LIFE . ii almost piickedd up the penkniife and start cuttingg muiiself agn . ![]() hiis life was perfect until ii enteredd . ![]() HATE HER ! she's a total biitch !