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Friday, September 08, 2006
dyingg here .
10:54 PM yday was gurrlfwen dayy wiib muii belovedd - EILEEN KHOO . watched monster house . took neoprint . met duckiiekor and took wadd he owed miie a long tyme ago . muii BIGBIG lollipop . x) walked practically the whole obb bugiis . spent until we were realli BROKE. even got a headache for our dinner . hahas . yupps yupps . that should be all ? ii dunnos . miind`s totally blackk . wedd - JOKE OB THE DAY - EILEEN KHOO . muii mama bought a apple tart tiingy larrhs. was the size obb a pizza. the prize obb the whole tiing was $9.90 . dens mama cut into 8 pieces . ii gave 1 piece to EILEEN . toldd her that the 1 piece itself cost $9.90 and she actually believedd miie . hohoho ~ while waiting for riichardd that dayy . HEARTS yooh . EILEEN KHOO . thanks DUCKIIEKOR . huggs * MOVIE . DINNER ! REFLECT US INSIDE . MIRROREDD MIIE . alive and got KILLEDD ONCE AGN . ii dream obb yooh . ii cant lose yooh . i'll lose muii life . ** 67dayys . ii tearedd for the 2ndd tiime for yooh . and it'll not be the LAST .