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Friday, September 08, 2006
ii cant lose u .
3:17 PM called DEAR last niite . ii was practically cryingg . and dear was like "wadd happenedd ? ii verii longg nv hear u cry lerrhs . " and tiinkiing abt iit , yeah , ii habenn criied iin like 2mths ? cosh iin thiis 2mths there`s no reason for miie to cry and ii had every reason to be smilingg . ii couldd feel hiis lurrbe for miie . now wadd iim feelingg ish that he's so far away . beyondd muii reachh . ii feel like iim fallingg backk into those dayys . those days obb darkness . ii woke up at 4am . ii hab no idea whiie . ii just couldnt get backk to sleep . ii opened those msges from hiim . those that ii savedd . and ii startedd cryingg agn . ii switchedd on the lights and pickedd up the nametag and startedd doing wadd ii used to do . iim leaving more cuts on muii handd .. ![]() SWEETEST TEMPTATION . ![]() all these that ii do, ish for u . baby, ii cant lose you . ![]() eachh tiime the fone vibrates , ii wuld rush up to the fone . hoping it'll be from yooh . budd each tiime it's a dissappointment . iim afraiidd obb the thot that yooh'll be dun mention the 5 letter wordd tuhh miie . iim afraidd that it'll cause muii liife . ii toldd muiiselff not to let muiiself fall iin lurrbe agn . budd ii failedd . ii fell iin lurrbe agn . wiib yooh ..