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Friday, September 29, 2006
the headACHES.
9:58 PM OMGosh OMGosh ! ii feel so weak. mentally and physically. and, ii thiink the flu bug caught miie ! =(( ii oso 4got wadd happenedd iin skool today liaos. stayed back for science lorrhs. dens dunno wadd happenedd. muii fone stuck agn. i din receive 5msges till afternoon. mama msg miie say go dentist cosh ii've been complaining obb TEETHACHES and gum bleed damn lots wenever ii brush . x) so go dentist lorrhs. damn fcuking pain and bleed alot. sobs . loss to much blood liaos. hohoho. slept quite early last night. 11+pm slp lerrhs. tired larrhs. dens set alarm at 4am. budd ii tiink ii off it and went back to slp . x) wahahaha. ii rmbed something that happened recently. budd due to muii SHORTTERMMEMORY, ii 4got all abt it until today. x) class was noisy as it was mdmSITI's period. i pity her. nobody wanns to listen although she's trying her veri best to teach. anw, hongping was sitting beside miie making HELL LOTS obb UNWANTED noise. so ii went to say "tiam tiam larrhs." dens he go say back. no berii loud budd loud enuff for teacher to hear it. he said " shut up larrhs, bitch". dens mdmSITI was talking at that time oso marrhs. so ii went to say, not verii loud oso, just loud enuff for teacher to hear it. ii said "TEACHER ! u see, he ask u shutup !" hohoho ~ x) slacked 1 period ob HE lesson today. miie, stella, jiajia and xiaoyun. went to class late and din bring books. dens went back to class agn SLOWLY and took the books and went toilet to slack. onli went back at 9am. 1st period missMAZ took the WHOLE class to go thru the papers. HOHOHO ~ ii tiink ii got 2nd iin class. ib not 3rd. 18/25 which means 72% . A2 lehhs ! yay ~ budd ii still flunkedd history. =( ![]() zhengwen's art. ![]() they were using this to spray spray spray in the science lab lorrhs ! hohoho .x) ![]() she's been made a monster becosh obb yooh ! ![]() she'll be MORE den wad she ish now ! she'll KILL . 我们之间的问题是我不相信你 敏感又多心怕你变了心 iim not being sensative or wadsoever. MY INSTINCTS ARE NV WRONG. tian tian ye ye the MV berii nice ! tomorrow going shiyimei's hse wiib DIANE to study ! x)