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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
ii miss yooh.
5:51 PM got wokenn up muii baobeii apple almost 5am iin the morning. 1st tiing ii did was checkedd the fone. NTH. budd as soon as ii put it down agn, a message came in. and yes. it's from yooh . skool was the same. music test today. CCA stopped lerrhs. yay ~ music test suks. bleahs. darn farni lehhs. mrsPRAM could like control all our com in the com lab de mahs. dens ii play the musicace the game. got 9000+ points. dens she go send miie a msg. said " good try :] " DAMN SHOCKED lahhs. hohoho. dens ii go play the lesson 9 the game. dens she suddenly go control muii com agn. dens ii was like shock. how come the arrow can ownself move wanns. dens ii go ask zhenyu wadd happening. dens yuan lai ish mrsPRAM control muii com. wahahha. she asked who wanna take music for Olevel. ii wann lorrhs ! budd niid at least piano grade FOUR. siian. ii next year den take grade four nerrhs. and, cant take A maths. ii thiink Amaths more impt. ii oso got piano de cert le mahs. x) dens still got mass reading larhhs. dens after mass reading mrLEONG lectured us for 45min !! OMGosh lorrhs. siian. ii almost diedd. after that went to toilet wiib e other 6. cosh during recess qiinaiiderrh kipp splashing water on miie. so ii took revenge den. dens ii ran away. she chase miie all the way to the busstop. dens run run run. ii heard a BOOM sound budd din turn back. i ran to DEAR they all dere. dens ii saw wadd happenedd. QIINAIDERRHS FALL DOWN !! wahahahahah ~ x) who ask u chase miie. nananipopo ~ den went lot. long time no spend time wiib dem lerrhs ! cosh they always stay backk dens ii dun niid. lalalas. den walk walk walk till 5pm dens DISMISS ! came home. dens online lerrhs ! yeapps . thats all ! please. iim missing yooh more den u're missing miie. just becosh ibb yr stupid msn niickk. u said you were going to tell miie the reason. ii waitedd for the bloody reason till late at NIGHT. ii diin go to slp to WAIT for it. cosh ii wanna noe the reason whiie u're HURT cosh ii still CARE. ii miiss yooh till iim going crazy. iim NOT fine at all budd ii act as though ii am. muii deariie fwens habb done LOADS for miie alrdy. wen ii was dying iin the past, they helped miie. without dem, ii tiink ii wuld be DEAD now. ii mean, PHYSICALLY deadd . so, ii dun wanna dem to do anymore for miie. iim going to act as though iim FINE. IM FINE ! ii wish ii could believe that you're not playingg wiib miie. ii wish ii could thrust yooh . budd after all that's happenedd, ii cannot thrust in this thing calledd LOVE anymore. each time ii believe iin it, i'd die a little more. ![]() borrowed a book cosh ii din bring for mass reading. guess the date iit's due. 11OCT2006. ![]() hees . x) ![]() bought for BACARDI wiib stupid meii ! ![]() xinyi aka STRAWBERRY giimme derrhhs. x) ![]() FALSE FRONT. foto takenn from STICKGAL's blog.