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Sunday, October 22, 2006
congrats uncleLOY. x)
11:29 PM FRIDAY skool HOLIDAY. hahahas. dens met kaiiyiinjiie to go ZONE MEETING together. GORDEN AND JUSTIN BECOME USHER MINISTRY ?! OMGosh. fcukers. just becosh they wan status. ok larrhs. not GORDEN . JUSTIN pulledd hiim in derrhs. fcuking bastard. wadeva. dens after zonemeeting WE, inclusive obb miie,kaiiyiinjiie,johnny and felicia, went to boonlay market and SLACKED. missed last train and all. JOHNNY father brought us backk. x) wahs. power de okiies. johnny's father ish PHT de dunno wad. hahahas. reached home at 1am. dens bathe and watched GOONG. x) ![]() ![]() SAT woke up EARLY EARLY ! wentt to ahmah hse . uncleLOY's wedding. hohoho. damn tiredd canns?! dens jingcha thingy la. dens mama kiip pushing miie to jing. say take angbao. dens ii kiip dun wanns lorrhs! dens she pull miie. wahs. power. i zhuan $40. hohoho. dens went back home and slp awhile dens went out agn for the dinner. dunno wad hotel la. the one beside FAREASTPLAZA de. 5star okiies?! dun play play. damnit nice. the lift oso style derrhs canns?! dens ah-kim hired the make up ppl. 1 person $60 canns ?! hohoho. 11 obb us. we used the .. erms.. FUTURE ah-kim de mother de room. the one who got married la. hahas. cosh her family ish malaysian. ya lorrhs. dens went to the place for dinner. hahas. food ish OK onli. damn it. we sit at the VIP seat. same table as the bride and groom la. denns power de okiies. 5 star jiu shi 5 star. i say wanns orange juice. dens they serve. dens like after awhile ii haben even drink finish and still like half full, they change the whole glass for miie to a new wanns. x) power lorrhs. dens our table they like serve the dish to everybody's plate. other table the just put the plate dere dens the ppl got to take the food themselves. hahahas. ended at wad time ii oso dunno. hahaa. after the thing we went out shake everybody's hand. hahahas. reached home at 12+am i think. berii tiired liaos. ii shampoo-ed muii hair 4times. they spray the thing to make it hard lo. dens bathe dao lai ish oso 1.30am liaos. dens watched abit tv in the hall cosh the room on aircon lerrhs. 2.30am went to slp lerrhs. ![]() morning. x) hohoho. earrings. muii 14th birthday present from CY. ![]() dunno whiie the hell mama bring miie dere so early. nobody oso. so ii went to the toilet and ZILIAN! ![]() to the dinner. ![]() $60 outcome. ![]() mama . ![]() ah yi. ![]() ah mah. ![]() ![]() HOME FINALLY ! ![]() shall ii be yr princess ? save the last dance for miie.