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Sunday, October 15, 2006
11:54 PM TIREDNESS MADE MIIE STOP BLOGGING. x) friday went to causeway wiib bacardi and qiinaiiderrhs. cellgrp at home. sat skool in the morning. TRYBE talk. touched miie canns?! made miie feel so fcuking emotional. went out wiib bacardi. LONG TIME SINCE II WENT OUT ON A SAT ! hohoho. ii almost 4got how to put on the saw wantingg ~ den went bugis and ard. and back home. sunday piano and guitar resumedd. walked ard lot.x) dunno iib ii should say this, budd iim going to say it nevertheless. the 7 obb us ish realli like, breaking into 2 grps? secrets cant be told between us? it's not like iim forcing yooh to tell me yr secrets or wadd. budd, u now that until now ii dunno even noe wad the hell u ppl are talking abt. all yr topics u talk abt ish like miie listening to a crazy person talking like that cosh ii DUN understand a single thing. on sat when filling the thing in the hall. ii diin ask ZN to help miie. ii just waited lorrhs. den ii wanted to see iib u all will wait. just as ii thot. u all didnt. onli yingjing waitedd and asked the rest to wait. secrets told between all obb yooh. onli 1 or 2 ppl noe abt iit in the seven obb us. dens wadd? the rest ish just ppl to peii u past time arhs? please. wad are fwens for. cant even share secrets. when one ish down, and the reason ish being UNTOLD, how are we supposedd to HELP? and in the end, WE DRIFT APART. dont u all agree? ![]() LONG TIME SINCE I WENT OUT ! ![]() she's the one who din leave miie out. ![]() the past ish history. live in the past and you'll be history. IM HISTORY.