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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
12:18 AM no post activity for miie today . =(( got the STUPID IT programme. web animation. BORING till SIAOS canns?! budd, GOT NEW COM ! we were hoping dun go com lab 2 cosh the com ish like, LOUSY TILL SIAOS lorrhs ! dens went in, SHOCKED. NEW COM FOR US ! hohoho. i blurr until 4got how on the com dens diane helped miie. x) budd horrhs, dunno whiie ii took the com ish llike, BLOODY HELL LAGGY ?! i got so PC lorrhs. dens dun wans do liaos. went youtube and it took more den half an hour to load a bloody video. so used shiyimei's com. watched the goong NG derrhs. kept luffing. mrLEE said ii looked distracted in the beginning ob the year. he thot i got family probs. budd, the MAIN reason.. i noe u noe jiu hao larrhs. x) walked to lot after skool wiib dem. DEAR and CHOCOLATE giimme a hugg wen ii left 1st. hahahas. went westmall to find mummy. walked ard and bought mani stuff. good thing abt walking ard wiib mama. x) i went to the hallmark. took the WHOLE set ob the precious moment the plate, spoon, bowl and even TRAY. whole thing cost $30+ . ish like baby de lorrhs. dens mama and aunty jenny kiip saying ii like baby. x) hahahas. came home watched goong and SLEEP ! wake up watch tv agn and blahs. basically, RELAX ! hahahas =X PS: OMGosh! DEAR ah ! u askedd pingyan to jio miie arhs ?! my gosh. faints. -.- ![]() ![]() sowwie babes, THE BAD GURRL'S BACK . x) ![]() hold miie in your arms. nv let miie go.