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Monday, October 02, 2006
11:24 PM OMGosh. paiisehh larrhs. cant resist temptation. still came online. x) budd, I GOT STUDY DE HORRHS ! on the fone wiib diane and shiyimei for 1hr. shiyimei trying to explain the diane said she dreamt obb miie and shiyimeii last night. hohoho x) great gurrlfwens ii hab. =)) chaos ~ PLEASE MISS SYLVIA WHEN SHE'S NOT GOING TO BE ONLINE FOR 1WK! till 11oct2006 . it could just be a day when all obb sec2s in CCKSS get back their freedom from STUDIES, budd to miie, it's so much more den that. 11OCT2006 I MISSH YOOH. IM DRIVING MUIISELF CRAZY THINKING OBB YOOH ! stressedd-out . ![]() 谢谢你爱过我 what's behind HER smiles? nth budd sorrow, sadness and the bitterness obb her fcukedd-up life !