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Thursday, November 02, 2006
2:05 AM din wanns blog derrhs. budd, ... x) went to skool in the morning. got results to the streaming. PLEASE, everybody got into PURE science ! onli ii combinedd. x( damnit. bleahhs. anw, im quite satisfied. and i think i wun be able to cope well in pure too. x) 1. English language 2. MT language 3. E maths 4. combined humanities(SS/geog) 5. Science(bio/chem) 6. A maths :) 7. Computer studies =)) im satisfied. REALLI. ok. mayb i've got low expectations. bleahs. budd i thot i wuldnt get into A maths ! cosh i onli got 53 and i dint put in as 1st choice. i dunno whiie too budd, still got in. :) praise the Lord ! okiies. dens went to lot to meet dem. OMGosh. Hell in the bus for miie. standing right infront ob miie ish a SLIMEY, DISGUSTING and YUCKY anw, went to lot wiib Diane. met the rest. hohoho. ZHUO NA and NICK ish xingfuxiaofuqi . x) haiiyo. they let this out earlier bu shi hao. tuo until now. hahas . x) the shops all haben open lorrhs. sucks. dens we kept making noise. or, mayb it's miie making most obb the noise. x) dens soon the shops began to open. budd onli afew la. dens left wiib qiinaiiderrhs and Diane first. go home orhorh. x) tiredddd la. dens woke up. rain like fcuk. dens asked bacardi to take a cab down. hahas. dens late la. reached dere. anw, today sales suks. supervisorJASON attitude suks. budd when he talks to us nicely, he's nice . :) realli. he's nice. hahahas. met some fcukers in the train. from 18siao. may lightning strike them. reached home almost 12am. DEAD tired. im sleepy. byebye. i recommend. take the initiative to copy and paste the link. i promise you. it'll touch you, unless you dont hab a heart. :) ** ![]() i wish you would point to miie and tell them "that's her ".