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Saturday, October 13, 2007
1:03 AM went to Marina just now with mama. was suppose to have movie marathon with UFM100.3 listeners. almost an hour of ride there. printed the tickets. walked ard. bought tidbits and got ready for the show which starts at 9pm ending at 9am tmr. asked the person why still cannot go in. THE MARATHON IS ON 19th !! -.- wtf. went starbucks instead and went home. and, another touching episode of Ghost Whisperer. (: yay. Shuyi's going with me to the Animation course! and, i was the first to wish her birthday! ![]() what does it mean holding on to a r/s with no tmr. i thought of taking the easy way out. but if i let you go, i would nv know what my life would be holding you close to me. and i will nv see, you smiling back at me. i wonder what you're doing there. i'd really hope for a msg from you. i dreamt you called from HK last night. and the short nap i had in the afternoon. i guess, im thinking way too much about you than what i should. thinking about what a person you are, makes me fall for you. but thinking about what a stead you are, makes me fall out. i've got a weird heart and mind which seriously dont click with each other.