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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
11:26 PM whee ~ block nose ish MUCH beta . budd, cough lerrhs ! wahahaha . =)) just now wens talking on the fone wiib muii piig, ii suddenly realisedd that iim habingg muii sec2 camp on hiis biirthdayy . hahas . PIIG ! duns worry . i'll make iit up derrhs . hahas . x) ** yooh awakennedd those feelinggs iinsiide obb miie , whiich ii hab 4gotten existedd . yooh make miie emotional . from tiis moment on , as longg as ii liive, i'll love yooh . ii promiise u thiis . ![]() my empty heartt ish shoutingg . ![]() missSYL studiies hardd to glorify God's name ! hahas . GUAI KIA . not ahlian ! ![]() wahaha. ii diid tiis pic cosh that tiime piiglaogongg ask miie call hiim. dens cant online marrhs. dens just go paint and anyhow do lorrhs . that tiime was the 1st tiime ii calledd muii piig . hahas . at that tiime, o3o7o6 still not impt . just normal date lorrhs . hahas . budd now, ish IMPT . hahas . x) budd horrhs . 030706 got 24hrs lorrhs . tiis piic ish 12.39am do derrhs . startingg ob o3o7o6 . our storyy startedd at 11.53pm . almost 24hrs later . hahas . x)