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Saturday, August 12, 2006
1:25 AM HAPPI 41st biirthdayy Siingapore ! 41 years oldd lerrhs . must guaii . =X 0kiies . dun lame . tiis ish muii 2ndd tiime postingg tiis entry. no . typingg tiis entryy . com hangg yday ! always like that . pray that nth goes wrongg now . =) o9o8o6 woke up earlii earlii ! dens went to Sentosa lerrhs ! hahas. 1st game ish kaiiyiinjiie and dagege leadd . dens mutouren . ii leadd . wiib jon . wahs . ii tiink it suks . =( yarrhs . dens play the murderer . jace and cedriic die . dens ii sayy " wahs . both wear red derrh..." dens ii die. ii talk to much lerrhs .hahas . dens behindd got ppl playingg soccerr . dens the ball accidentally hiit miie . dens ii die iin the game . DIED TWICE . hahas . dens arhs . cut cut cut ! last game . actually ii was dry derrhs ! until last game dens wet . =( budd iin the end a few obb us oso ran into the waters. hahas . toiilet got free show larrhs . =X hahas . dens ii got sunburnt . eleanore kiip callingg miie LOBSTER . Lynn kiip sayingg ii got 2 colours . hahas . went to esplanade after that . tot got fire works . budd dun habbs ! dens ii meet yinggjingg and shuyi lorrhs . cosh they oso dere. dens talk to yingjingg trying to tell her where am ii . say for 17mins still dunnos . dens ii talk to shuyi for just 1min denns she noe liaos . hahas. POWER . dens kaiiyiinjiie broke downn . she misses NDP loaddss . haiish . all ob us does . haiish . dens went arcade lorrhs . iin marina . dens all go lerrhs . left miie and kaiiyiinjiie at esplanade dere. dens caught last traiin backk . 10o8o6 skool holidayy ! budd kelians de piiglaogongg gotta go skool . hahas . budd got miie peii lorrhs ! hahas . where got like hiim always bo replyy wanns . hahas . ii slept alorrt lorrhs . woke up at 1.40pm . dens went backk to sleep agn at 4pm . woke up at 6pm . hahas . 11o8o6 wantedd to pon CCA to meet piiglaogongg . budds he siick . shho iin the endd oso no meet . iin the traiin on the wayy to CG wiib kaiiyiinjiie and justin, got BIG tiing happenns . we were talkingg talkingg . dens a biitch go say us lorrhs . she talk talk talk dens kiip shoot us . talking to herself lookingg at her hp PHOTOS . dens alorrt ppl lookingg at her lorrhs . dens she fake fake talk on the fone . den she kiip say lanjiiao lorrhs . dens justin buay tahan . go sayy " tiiam tiiam larrhs antie " . iib u noe justiin, he wun like that derrhs . dens she SHOUT backk lehs ! dens ii go say her backk . u not even talkingg on the fone dens fake wadd . dens she say " how u noe ii not talking on the fone " dens ii sayy " dens u show yr fone larrhs " dens dunno wadd happen miie and kaiiyiinjiie startedd raisingg our voice. the whole cabiin lookingg . dens got 1 person help us lorrhs . he go say " kaobeii larrh auntie . ii listen MP3 oso canns hear wad u saying lorrhs " dens ii sayy " ya lorrhs ! kaobeii larhhs " dens dunno sayy wadd dens ii buay tahan . ii shout " HONGGAN LARRHS ! " dens reach woodlands . dens she sayy u not happi dens go down larrhs . dens we sayy whiie we go down . oso not we wrong . dens she go down . dens we follow . dens 2 stupiid extra ppl come stop us from quarrelingg wiib her. 1 ish our skool derrhs dunno who larrhs. extra. dens another wanns ish passerby. 1 person oso came downn wiib us from the train . he help us . dens we still quarrel lorrhs . the train oso diin move. dens 2 ppl from the mrt dere derrhs came up . budd we stiill shouting lorrhs . alot ppl look . dens ii realli buay tahan lorrhs . iib dun hab the two extra ii confiirm slap that biitch lorrhs . dens the teacher from muii skool derrhs go say " ii wun tell all tiis to miss siim or whoeva " dens ii was tiinkiingg oso not we wrong ! we got the whole cabiin on our siide lorrhs . even ppl come down to help us lorrhs ! scaredd wadd . even iib really will under probation or wadd ii oso will not regret hittingg the biitch lorrhs . before she left she oso sayy " even small kiids bully miie, ii not born to let u all bully derrh lorrhs ! " dens ii shout backk " means u realli got sometiing wrong dens ppl will say marrhs ! " fcuk her larrhs . ii nv shout iin public so loudd b4 lorrhs . TYPE OSO DULAN LARRHS . fcuker biitchh . dens reach biishann for CG . combiinedd wiib S23 cosh broCK not feelingg well . dens ii call piiglaogongg . ii tiink iib duns habb the two extra we wuldnt be at biishan that time . we alrdy iin the police station . lalalas . dens after CG fellowshiip . budd ii still regretedd not slappingg the biitch . and wad's worst ish that ii criied after quarrelingg lorrhs . whiie ii always tear wanns hurrh ? ii berii emo lehs . ii niid traiin tiis point mans. =) haiish . dagege wanns leave N337 ? =( actually , ii got alorrt tiings kept iin muii heartt lorrhs . those feelinggs ... haiish . budd ii toldd noone abt iit yet . waiit till buay tahan liaos dens sayy bahs . hahas . dun let muii 1person feelinggs affect shho manii ppl . =) hahas . actually, quite amazingg that i'll be wiib piiglaogongg. cosh everytiime fwenster or msn de ppl ask miie calls dem dens ii wun call derrhs lorrhs . ii'll fiindd any excuse to push dem aways lorrhs . budd dunnos whiie that tiime piiglaogongg ask miie calls dens ii calls . summore ii was using internet that tiime . ii went offline just to call hiim lorrhs . hahas . ii tiink iib that tiime ii no call we oso wun be 2gether now . hahas . God made tiis wayy for miie . hahas . and ii lurrve muii piiglaogongg loadds ! LOVE ISH A 2WAY TIING . ![]() KBOX =) ![]() SMILE . even iib iit hurrts . ![]() ![]() ![]() N337 ! muii familyy . muii love . ![]() CEDRIC ACT GAY ! ![]() wanns go home lerrhs . =) NATIONAL DAY . 1 yr ago at tiis time we just reachh skool after the performance. haiish . ii miish FISHES ! and, ii receivedd alot feedbackk that last yr NDP wad much nicer dens tiis years ! =) ![]() ![]() muii attitudes . accept muii TEMPER . ![]() ![]() ii canns take any paiin for yooh . ![]() RIICHARDD theory on "o" and "0" hahas . ii fianlly blogged wo prob ! =) WISH LIST BY AUG ! - go xiiaoguiilingg ! go wiib who oso canns ! alone oso canns ! =) - ASTRO boyy shiirt ! - ASTRO boyy stiickerr . name derrhs . - READ MORE BIBLE ! - spendd more tiime wiib piiglaogongg ! ![]() that tiime take at xiiaoguiilingg derrhs . wens ii was realli realli depressedd cosh obb CY . =)