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Monday, August 07, 2006
11:28 PM diin update ydayy cosh blogger hangg ! dens ii was towardds the end lerrhs dens end . ii gave up the tot obb bloggingg all over agn . =) so, let's startt ! sat niite wen goingg sleep lerrhs dens piiglaogongg ask miie wait for hiim to reach home dens call hiim agn . so duns sleep lorrhs . msg duckiiekor dens wenjun call ask miie duns msg duckiiekor liaos cosh theyy all wanns sleepp. hahas . erms. hiim, duckiiekor and cy . dens riichardd msg wo. so msg halfwayy wenjun they all call miie wanns playy triickk . dens habenn even fiinish sayyingg 1st sentence dens all am chiio liaos ! BO SKIILL ! hahas . dens msg riichardd msg msg dens piiglaogongg ask miie call hiim liaos . ii slept ardd 3am. meet at 8.15am the next morningg . budd ii dunnos whiie ii 7am wake up liaos . summore ish auto de lorrhs . must be becosh the niite before bahs . =) duringg the 17th annivassary svc ii was totally no energyy . totally K.O . budd ii was still hyper duringg praise ! hahas . dens we went to bugiis shop ! N337 rocks TOTALLY canns ?! hahas . dens realli buay tahan liaos . came home andd SLEEP ! hahas . 2dayy iin skool nth much happen lorrhs . 2molo we canns get the last yr NDP cd lerrhs ! our act derrhs and some NDP news from CNY wen they interviewedd our skool derrhs ppl . ii wanns get faster !! everybody cant waiit for 2molo ish becosh obb the cd not becosh obb holiday lorrhs . ii wanns those memoriies ! iib now ish still NDP ii oso wun change shho much lorrhs . i'll still be that oldd innocent derrhs miie . hahas . budd, wth . God made muii life thiis wayy . =) 1 knn cb add miie and msn and ask miie tell hiim more abt muiiself in a.. dunno how to sayy attitude larrhs . dens ii giib hiim backk attitude . dens he say " u tiink ii realli wann noe abt u arhs ? " dens ii jitao dulan lorrhs ii sayy backk " fcuker. dens dun add larrhs ! arbo waste muii tiime onli . " DUN LET MUII ATTITUDE BLOW U AWAY . dens another knn mother fcuker call muii hse fone dens ask miie "ya?" wierdd riite ?! call miie dens ask miie wadd ii wanns ! wtff . dens sayy wrong no. and kup muii fone . wth . bleahs. WADEVA . wenjun kana suspendedd lorrhs . dunno iib muii duckiiekor got kana suspenddedd or not.. see larrhs . fiite fiite fiite . bleahhs . nth beta else to do . haiiyo . ![]() ii dunno hows do ! ii 4got how to do ! budd at least ii passedd muii maths test . =) ![]() FAKE sushii . ![]() dha oldd her diedd a longg tiime ago . she'll nv be the same . ![]() she wasnt meant to be a biitchh . budd HE made her tiis wayy . ![]() ![]() 101 % God's GuRRL ! i'll nv giib anytiingg up for muii abbah father's love ! so dun try to make miie giib up hiis love for miie !