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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
sigh .
10:25 PM ii guess, not onli piiglaogongg was disappointedd iin miie . ii muiiself was verii disappointedd iin muiiself . wasnt realli iin a mood the whole day . yarrhs . budd, ii'll not let the past get iin muii way ! let's do the proper post . ydayy ii diin realli post . shho lemme start agn . iin the morningg ran 3.6km for dunnos wadd larrhs . waste muii energy. ran halfway and walkedd back wiib diiane the other half wayy backk . OMGosh . ii verii lan lorrhs . wtf. last tiime still canns ran quite well derrhs . now deprove until like that. budd, it's still beta dens muii class results iin STUDYING. hahas . dens wen reach skool lerrhs den dunno wadd happenns to diiane . no energy liaos. walk oso cans walk until fall down. lalalas . dens.. blahs blahs blahs. ii oso 4got wadd happenedd lerrhs . ii ran from lesson lorrhs. hahas . saw 1 stupiid person iin the bus lorrhs . go put plastic bag over hiis head .. siiao lorrhs . got piic. we tou paii hiim. waiit ii show u. hahas. dens.. shuld be like that lorrhs . the zuo wen ii choinggedd ydayy to hand iin during MT extra lesson was GOOD lorrhs . anyhow wriite abt muii LINJUNJIE oso canns get 34/50 . same as shiiyimeii lorrhs. hahas . same marks. hahas . iim such a genius . lalalas . XD ohyas. ii diin regret going for CO todayy . hahas . although kana slappedd muii stupiid kor agn. bleahs. hahas. duckiiekor actually going friidayy derrhs FOP derrhs lorrhs . wiib riichardd . most prob larrhs . dens he now sayy got taijii.. not coming liaos ... wahlaos. hows canns like that derrhs ?! taoyann ~ XD ** piiglaogongg ! duiibuqi ! =( after past 12 toniite dens ish 1mth lerrhs ! wahahaha ! budd it's not gonna endd dere . iit's gonna last a LONG wayy ! tiiongg xiim to muii piiglaogongg ! ii missh NDP ! last yr at tiis timme we were practisingg lorrhs . fishes was onli capturedd on cam for like 5sec ? budd we trainedd for manii mths lorrhs ! went to the NDP websiite dens they still got put the ACT1 performance piic dere lorrhs. 2005 derrhs obb cosh . haiish. ii miissh those times! to others iit miite just be a LAME and stupiid act . budd to us, it's more den a lifetime memoryy.. tiis year NDP i'll be iiin sentosa in the morning leading N337 games. last yr NDP ii wuld be iin skool getting ready for the performance. waiting for our turn. after the performance tiis yr, ii'll be dunno doing wadd. last yr ii was dere cryingg iin the bus . haiish . LET"S REACH OUT FOR THE SKIIES ! that songg BEST ! the future ish ours to make.. =(( ![]() SHE DUN LEMME KISS HER ! =( ![]() siiao lorrhs . must be muii neighbour from the mental hospital . X= ![]() we sort ob followed hiim ... ![]() yiinglun and yijiin's workk . ![]() takenn by herself during recess . she changed to the wallpaper. ii saw muii fone ii got a shock . ![]() takenn by herslef after skool . changed to wallpaper agn. ii got a shock agn . haiiyo.. 2times iin a dayy . ![]() he was BEGGING for money. hahas . ![]() went to san san xiin . hahas.. ![]() ii missh those times wen those brothers wuld come downn.. =(( talking to wenjun now lorrhs. he auto talk to miie. wahahaha ! =)) ![]() MEMORIIES LARRHS ! ii oso dunwanns be hiis astro gurrl anymore. ii wanna be htennek 's piiglaopo onli ! fulltiime hiis piiglaopo . XD