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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
5:47 PM CAMP WAS GREAT! set off from skool on monday morning. theres alot ob shuaii instructors lo. hahas. 1 ish JAY CHOU look alike lorrhs ! machiam TWINS canns?! hahas. reached the camp siite and unpacked everytiing and went to the canteen for lunch lerrhs. after lunch we went for activities. JUNGLE RUMBLE. walked to the entrance ob the jungle. everybody was like.. "wahs! niid walk iin arhs. so dirty" and blahs. budd, the worse has yet to come. before going iin we did the honet drill. ish hab to lie on the floor facing down wiib both yr hands covering yr neck dens cross legs. den just outsiide everybody was complaining. dens walk iin halfway they suddenly shout HONET DRILL ! everybody was like OMGosh ! now ?! dens all lie on the stupid grass. dens kenny they all say got grasshopper beside miie. ii dun believe lorrhs. dens stand up lerrhs they kiip say say say. dens ii notiiced that it was real. hahas. dens walk walk walk... until we reached 1 mud pool. we hab to go across. took a long time before everybody put their legs in. it was just right below the knee. that's how deep it is. dens they ask us to squat iin iit. dens sit. dens HONET DRILL insiide. it was damn yucky lorrhs canns. budd, ii didnt regret it ! and ii bet eberybody wanns to go backk. x) dens went to kayanking or however u spell it. miie and shiiyimeii pair. ii siit infront. she kiip using the paddle hiit miie lorrhs. will paiin norrhs ! dens ii ask her dun paddle. ii paddle ok liaos. hahas. dens went for shower and we prepared for our campfire cheer. ii paiir wiib IVANdi. dens dinner. niiteactivity. they blindfolded everybody. dens we hab to hold the person infront ob us and we just walk walk walk. teaching us the importance ob thrusting fwens. niite. 12am. sleeping tiime ! our hut was noisy. dens the stupid instructor ask us all to go down punishment. kao lorrhs. ii diin even talk. msg muii piig onli lorrhs. ii slept ard 1am bahs. next morning. MUII PIIG`s BIRTHDAY ! x) 5.30am. SO NOISY LORRHS ! ii tot is was alrdy 6.3oam thats whiie so noisy. wen ii checkedd, SHOCKED lorrhs ! so early ! dens ii cant sleep back lerrhs. dens just lie dere. at niite so hot. wake up, ii found muiiself so coldd. siian. dens 6.45am den they let us leave the hut. went to wash up andd went back to the hut. there was a frog in our hut ! hohoho. congrats to those slping dere. u actually slept wiib a frog. hahas. dens went for breakfast . dens they play song for us. TONGHUA . hahas. dens some malays were singing from class 2/1. assistant cheif VERON saw and asked dem to siing for us after breakfast. hahas. dens went to change for the high elements activity. power larrhs. hahas. dens ii walk back to drink water alone. dens the JAYCHOU lookalike went to OIIE miie and say hii to miie. hahas. x) GURRLS ~ dun jealous . hahas. dens went to lunch. our duty. ii served the riice wiib yiinglun. dens the other dishes ish chengyin and weizhen. we giib very generously lorrhs. hahas. dens clean the canteen. dens activities agn. FLYING FOX. ii was sleeping dere. hohoho. dens halfway raiin. so diin continue lerrhs. dens practice cheer lorrhs. dens.. denns.. denns... ii 4get wad we do lerrhs. waiit arhs. i tiink... erms. cant tiink niia. nbm . just say wadd ii rmb. OH ! rmb lerrhs. okok. we went to canteen for more games. stand on the chair. u noe those canteen chair... those long long wanns.. yarrhs... that wanns. ah. we stand on iit lorrhs. all the gurrl 1 siide the boys another siide. dens we hab to like arrange ourselves larhs. cant let anyone fall off. den like from tall to short. dens biirthday and so on. hahas. and gurrls won all 3 games ! hohoho. GURRL POWER . dens oso play the wan we tangle ourselves wiib our hands dens try to untangle. dens 16 ob us all try. cant. too mani ppl. so we gurrls split into 2 grps. they all untangle lerrhs budd we still cant. try try try . dens ii noticed we got 2 circle. 1 small wanns iinside and 1 biig wann outsiide. hahas. means we untangle 2 lorrhs ! we more power. hahas. dens rain stop. carry on wiib ativitiies. we went outsiide.. walk FAR FAR. dens ii was tiinkiing "wahhs siian. later how walk back" budd we not onli hab to walk backk. still gotta carry ppl lorrhs ! wahs. miie shiiyiimeii and calviin cariied aiisha. siian. muii whole shoulder paiin niia. dens went for more practising obb cheer. we did the BIMBO cheer ! hohoho. its damn farnii canns ?! hahas. dens went to bathe. TOILET ISH DAMN DIRTY CANNS?! dens went for diinner. after dinner went for CAMPFIRE !! it was damn damn fun. dens debrief dens wash up dens slp lerrhs. ii checked muii fone. JonLIM siiao siiao lorrhs. ii iin camp and he asked miie call hiim. crazy. SOT arhs. BLEAHS. verii fedd up. while sleeping, xiiaoyun's hand slappedd miie and shiiyiimeii`s leg kickedd miie. poor miie. =( NEXT MORNING. last morning ! tiis morning ! the gurrls were saying how dirty the toilet were and saying whoever hab to wash ish suay . hahas. dens packedd and went for morning exercise. breakfast. LAST TIIME WE SAYING THE HUNGRY CHEER !! =(( we said our best wanns and eat . dens area cleaning. guess how lucky we were. WE ZHONG THE TOILET LORRHS ! 4D oso dun habb so zhun lorrhs. it was damn disgusting canns. bleahs. dens ya lorrhs. waved goodbye to the camp siite. instructors peii us back to skool. mojo dedicated a song to us iin the bus. he sang. greenday derrhs. touchedd larrhs. dens we all cheer and cheer all the wayy back. hahas. ii asked mama come bring miie. dens shun biian fetch diiane. qiinaiiderrhs and nanapopo went lot1. all the instructors went oso. hahas. power. SADD ! ii diin go ! dens dear heard that they were dere, she quickly ran over to see her JAYCHOU. hahas. obbessed larrhs. hahas. ii came home, bathe, slept. woke up by qiinaiiderrhs call. i was like "hello..." dens she "we found JAYCHOU`s and JEREMY`s fwenster." dens ask miie go online. dens ii go lorrhs. hahas. everyone was online liaos. hahas. power lehs they all. hahas. LET`S GIIB MUII LONG POST A SEXY CLAP ! WE ALL MISS CAMP ~ !!!!!! REQUEST FROM EILEEN THAT II BLOG ABOUT HER. hahas. she calledd miie on sunday niite. b4 muii camp. hahas. dens talk talk talk. shho longg no talk to her lerrhs. hahas. x) next thursday iim bookedd by her horrhs ! NO other activities foe miie on that day. iim going to reject all activities ! =) ii told yingjing that ii slept during the flying fox. her reply : 블๑ she; 爱不是占有 . ღ says: LORD IM AMAZED BY YOU . 블๑ she; 爱不是占有 . ღ says: become . SYLVIA IM AMAZED BY YOU and xiinyii saiid someting. we were saying how long it takes to invent a time machine. she she said : 欣仪 xiinyii says: 1 sec 欣仪 xiinyii says: cause our time machine is in our brain 欣仪 xiinyii says: we can recall the happy memories yarrhs. it's so true.. ![]() muii art workk. before camp. on sunday wen eatingg wiib diiane. X) ![]() tuesdayy moringg. 1st moring iin camp. checkedd muii fone. no msg. so take pic lorrhs. hahas. ![]() kenny`s cap. ![]() ii wanns go back ! ![]() our FUNKY instructors ! not all are iin, though. LOVES .