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Sunday, August 20, 2006
ii lurrbe muii piig x)
10:27 PM 180806 before going to sleep, qiinaiiderrhs send tiis msg : Sylvia! ... i can go create JESSICA'S VERY OWN DICTIONARY! ... I found the meaning of kiss! the meaning of kiss: An upper preparation for a lower invasion that will lead to further penetration with fast acceleration that will build the next generation ... that's what she send lorrhs. ands, it's quite chiim. ii see see look look awhile dens ii understand. DEAR they all dun understand lorrhs. hahas. ii so lihai. hahas. ii still must explain to dem. hahas. x) dens ii going sleep liaos. miie andd riichardd sayy we'll prank call each other. he saiid he'll prank call miie at 5am. ii saiid i'll prank call hiim at 4am. iin the end, he prank MSG miie at 3.30am. so ii diin sleep. msg hiim . actually he wanns treat miie derrhs. budd ii cant . go meet the stupiid piig larrhs. hahas. went home to change dens meet cedriic and kaiiyiinjiie at CCKSS to get broCK and eleanore's prezzie. hahas . dens went to dhoby ghaut to meet muii stupiid piig . waited for 1hr lorrhs ! luckyy got Gorden peii wo talk on fone . Gorden take traiin from bishan . dens ii sayy iib he reach dhoby ghaut lerrhs dens the piig haben comes dens ii go church wiib hiim. dens ii call the piig. he told miie he iin little india lerrhs . dun go church.. so ii askedd Gorden to go lorrhs. duns waiit for miie. dens Gordenn ask miie whiie ii acceptedd muii piig . he told miie alot ppl like miie last tiime. listedd out afew names.. dens he saiid JOHNNY . so shockkedd canns ?! iib u dunno who's johnny, he's parry's fwen. that time N337 went to bedok to eat at the jap restuarant derrhs. dens he and parry and muii mortal stay outsiide for awhile to smk that wanns. stupiid Gorden. they all no tell miie lorrhs ! ii even 4got abt thiis person's existence liaos. hahas . dens Gorden oso admitedd that he USED to like miie. wen he just startedd coming church. hahas. that tiime duckiiekor still got come derrhs. hahas. hmm. dens waiit until ii wanns die arhs. Gorden reach tanah merah liaos. dens he ask miie wanns wait for miie marrhs. dens ii call muii piig. no ans. ii realli wantedd go de lorrhs. budd Gorden alrdy late liaos. ii go down onli sabo Gorden. so ii say nbm lorrhs. just go. dens stupiid piig come liaos. hahas. THANKS GORDEN. dens we stayedd in the station the whole time lorrhs. dunnos where to go . hoho . ii nv stay iin the statiion for so longg iin muii entire life b4. 4hrs lorrhs ! OMGosh. hahas. 19o8o6 went to skool at 7am. OMGosh lorrhs. ii dun even noe whiie diane ask miie to go so early. waste muii tiime onli canns?! yawwns. dens the PTM. damn farnii. ii siit wiib shiiyiimeii. dens her mother sayy " yr principal sure can talk. cannot finish wan." dens wahahha. damn farni lorrhs. dens after MrsSIM say thank u wad wad wad.. ii quickly clap. i was the 1st wann to clap. hahas. ii broke the SILENCE. please larrhs. ii tiink iib ii diin clap, she'll drag and drag and drag... everybody canns sleep wanns lorrhs. dens ii went to fiind kaiiyiinjiie. dens we go slack ardd. dens we dedicate songg. ii dedicate to 2005NDP - fishes, 2/5 and kaiiyiinjiie. dens kaiiyiinjiie walk away.. ii 4got for wadd larrhs. den shoban read out muii dedication. dens sayy kaiiyiinjiie's name. she quickly turn around lorrhs. shockked. hahas. farnii. dens siian liaos. we spent all our cupon liaos. dun wanns stay iin skool lerhs. so ii go home. bathe. dens go out buy broCK and eleanore de cake. dens go church lerrhs. late arhs. hahas. Dr.A.R.benard - POWER ! hahas. budd svc until quite late. dragggg. hahas. after svc we celebratedd broCK bday. he gave hiis speech. he saiid sometiing that realli touchedd miie lorrhs. he saiid he chose us all hiimself. those that were from sisterSHER's cg derrhs. E168. SisterSHER gave hiim the privillage to choose. and he chose us. ii was berii touchedd lorrhs. haiiyo. and ii still did alot obb thiings that let the hiim down derrhs. haiish. REGRET larrhs ! hahas. went home.. totally K.O. lorrhs. actually diin wanns call muii piig lerrhs. budd he ask miie call. dens call lorrhs. dens he go out. ask miie sleep 1st. lucky he meet fwens. iib not ii 4eva cant sleep wanns. hahas. jace, ced and muii piig msg miie. ii diin even notice. too tiiredd larrhs. cant blame. hahas. woke up at 9.15am lorrhs. siianzatiion. ii lack ob muii beauty sleep ! PS: dagege. dun worry . hahas . ii P.P.S : II LURRBE MUII PIIG ! ![]() HEATHER LAOGONGG ! x) ![]() we rocks canns?! ![]() hohoho . x) ![]() shiiyiimeii and shuiidongglou ! marriedd siince 25mayo6 . x) ![]() took thiis piic wens ii was goingg to skool. shho berii darkk lorrhs. thiis ish the place where ii was separatedd from hiim lorrhs. he's the onli person who sent miie backk before. KISSGUUDBYE . x) too badd, iim missing hiim NO MORE . =)) ![]() walking home at niite ish a little kong bu. budd, 1o1% God`s gurrl ! no scaredd wanns ! hahas. JESUS REIGNS ! ![]() see that iit peii wo during the 6mths lorrhs. muii cuts was from iit. muii burns were from iit oso. budd iim not so stupiid to do that anymore ! so paiin and ii gotta kiip the scars from everybody. hahas. ![]() toiletbowl gurrls rocks ! shiiyiimeii , wanlijun and shuidonglou ~ x) grief and paiin are the prices we hab to pay for the love and total commitment we hab for another person. the more we love, the more we are hurrt wen we lose the object ob our love. and, ii hab a phobiia ob gettingg hurrt agn . it's life WORSE than hell . iive gone thru iit before and ii noe. iit's scary. THRUST MIIE.