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Thursday, August 17, 2006
and y0u'll noe i'll nv let u go .
10:02 PM diin blogg yday . x) 16o8o6 no CCA cosh went to SP . the skool ish biig . ii tiink u let miie iin i'll get lost . hahas . dens play dunno wadd game larrhs . siians . dens run ard the whole skool like siiao . 4 diff skools went . all sec 2. CCKSS won most prizes lorrhs ! wahahaha . CCKSS = CHAMPIONS ! x) 17o8o6 iincharge obb getting the tiings for sat's carnival . and sat's carnival ish till 3pm . meaningg, ii gotta wear skool u to church . OMGosh . no wayy . iim going home to CHANGE ! hahas . x) going to IMM 2molo, ii guess. to get the stuff niidedd . total cost = $160 . OMGosh. 2/5 peeps ! u beta giib us the money 2molo . ii wun fork out muii own . hahas . SHOW MIIE THE MONEY ~ not onli ii incharge larrhs . siiao . wanns buy 500 canns ob longan lorrhs . and other stuff . HOW TO CARRY ?! siiao lorrhs . summore 2molo gotta go buy the bday prezzies for eleanore and broCK de bday . siianzatiion . so manii tiings to do norrhs . muii skiin ish peeling off becosh ob the sunburn lorrhs . =( sec 2 camp in 2wks . THINGS TO BRING AND NOT TO BRING : clothing 1. T-shirt ( at least 2 skool shirt and 1 dark colouredd ) 4 (excluding the one wearing) 2. Shorts/pants/bermudas 3 (excluding the one wearing) 3. Track pants 1 or 2 pairs (compulsory) 4. Undergarments 5. Pyjamas(optional) 6. Sweater 7. Cap (optional) 8. socks 9. Rags (compulsory) footwear 1. old shoes to be thrown away 2. track shoes 3. Slippers personal items 1. toiletries 2. towel 3. sun block ii dun wanna get sunburn agn ! paiin ! 4. insect repellant (no mosquito coil) -.- 5. pillow/blanket/sleeping bagg 6. pen/pencil 7. toilet paper 8. hangers 9. alarm clock 10. plastic bag COMPULSORY ITEMS ! 1 . water bottle 2. Personal medication 3. Umbrella/raincoat/poncho 4. plate, fork and spoon, mug/cup THINGS TO LEAVE AT HOME 1. MP3/HP/AIR-CON/TV/FRIDGE/etc... 2.JEWELLERY 3. Excessive cash 4. sunglasses iim bringingg muii HP and MP3 . wahahaha . =) ohyas. the person (the wan incharge) asked us nott to bring excessive cash cosh the hut will hab no doors. dens muii tiinkingg was "no door ? dens how go iin ? enclosed ? " budd correct tiinkiing ish : NO DOORS. just a open space dere for u to walk iin " GET IT ? x) water baptism next sat ! MORTAL ! duns like that nahhs . =(( ** siianzatiion . whiie must show miie the "wo jiiao jiin san shun" . tiis show horrhs.. haiish . wen ii was realli going thru alot last tiime ii watched tiis show lorrhs . gave miie alot encouragement though . it helpedd miie to walk outta the DARKNESS iin muii liife . 1 sentence that ii still rmbedd . in the middle obb the show . saiid by hee-jiin or however u spell the name . she saiid " it's all in the past, that's wadd make miie mad " and dunno wadd larrhs . cant rmb liaos . oh ya . she saiid " memoriies are just memoriies . they hab no power ." and guess wadd . ii tiink it made ALOT ob sense . budd, although memoriies habb no power, they're precious to miie ... ![]() hohoho . x) ![]() yingglun`s and zhenyu`s ART iin 30mins . x)) ![]() POWER ![]() LOLS ? ![]() ii liike tiis wann best . hahas . ![]() diiane`s name spelledd backkwardds . muii name ish spell " SALIVA" yiinglun`s KID fadzil ish fadzil smell lion = cheng yiin shiit head = zheng wen WE're incharge obb buying the tiings for food and funfair . x)