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Friday, September 15, 2006
3:14 PM becosh obb history EOY , streamingg, ii haben been online for longg longg . 2dayys okiie?! hahas . wadd a good gurrl ii am . anw, let's start . MUST JIAN CHI DAO DI HORRHS ! read finish.. hahas . x) TUESDAY after skool went to lot wiib the 5 obb dem . dens qiinaiiderrh and nanapopo went 1st . 1 ish gotta go home . 1 ish too tiredd . dens the 4 obb us walkedd ard to find Dear's mama the birthday present. walked awhile dens suddenly noticedd a grp obb guys were like 'lookingg' larrhs. shho we sayy they lookingg at yiwen . dens we followedd dem all the way to the interchange to fiind out who they lookingg at. iin the end, gave up, and went backk home . qiinaiiderrhs saw muii handd dens hiit muii headd . dens dear talk to miie . x) ![]() LIFE CUTS . ![]() LOVEDD . diane . ![]() BACARDI # LOVES . WED all obb us ponnedd CCA . 7 obb us . dens went to Dear's hse to STUDY . budd ii read NTH . we were like playing lorrhs. actually all iin the rm . dens Dear, qiinaiiderrh and nanapopo went out leaving yiiwen, muii BACARDI, xiinyii and muiiself iin the room . saw tiis book "fatal seduction". we startedd reading iit and went all excitedd . hohoho ~ horny lerrhs . x) dens they came back dens we just play like siiaos larrhs . hahas . LOVES dem . x) ![]() iiKISSEDmickey! ![]() cant stop luffingg larrhs . x) ![]() as ii was zhiilian-ing, ... ![]() qiinaiiderrhs came andd gimme a hugg . x) ![]() ii tiink she realli loves miie ! THURS maths test after PC lesson . wahlaos ehs. gimme more tiime ii sure canns do finish let u see de lorrhs . stupid paper. level test . 2/5 and 2/3 combined. we were under mrsLIM . dens the other 4classes iin the merge classrooms. under mdmKOH. they were copying dere lorrhs ! summore they got 45min . we onli got 30mins lorrhs ! so unfair !! bleahs . dens waited for qiinaiiderrhs at the gate. dens RICHARD aka STUPID msg miie . sure got tiing derrh . iin the end realli got tiing. he was at CCK dunno doing wadd shiit . ask miie meet hiim . dens ii was wet lorrhs ! rain marrhs . walked in the rain . dens he wanted go arcade. dens ii wear skool u . he wear 1 shirt and another button shirt outside. dens he lemme the button shirt. iin the end dunno whiie he say go mac. go all the wayy down agn . he bought nuggets for miie budd ii fasting. fasting whole wk . dens wait for kaiiyiinjiie come . dens ii left dem . got streaming marrhs . ii berii goodd lo. peii hiim lorrhs ! waste muii tiime . RICHARD ! u owe miie agn . still bring back yr shirt help u wash . bleahs . at niite was terrible larrhs !! ii studiied until wanns die canns ?! studiied until 3.30am . and ii dun drink coffee de lorrhs . budd becosh ii was feeling sleepy at 11pm+ ii went to go make and drink. budd, ii still felt sleepy. woke qiinaiiderrhs and nanapopo up at 3am. they wanted to wake up to study. they replied muii msg larrhs. budd ii dunno iib they woke up or nt . mayb they went back to slp . ![]() riichardd shirt . sadd to sayy, IT'S REALLI NICE . =) ![]() eyes redd lerrhs . haben even startedd yet . ![]() how muii bedd lookedd like at 2am+ . ![]() miissHARDWORKING . x) ![]() wanns orhorh lerrhs larrhs ! ![]() realli buay tahan liaos. 3am+ FRIDAY the history test.. DIE larrhs ! ii diin complete iit lehhs ! nt enuff tiime . budd ii was happi ~! muii piig wishedd miie good luckk ~ hahas . kaiiyiinjiie oso wiishedd budd ii onli saw her msg after the paper . hahas . xiexie # ** ![]() ii miss those last nights . iilurrbeyooh.