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Sunday, November 12, 2006
hurt . again .
5:06 PM i cried in total : 3 times yesterday. i cried for the 2 guys who hurt me inside. deeply. and for the breakup wiib mrPIG, i thot i was the one who made it end. i thot i was the cause ob our destruction. i BLAMED myself for losing you ! i thot i was wrong . budd, NO . i blamed myself for the fcuking breakup. haiish. budd, actually i knew it long ago. i knew that yr feelings faded even before our 2nd month that time. budd on the day ob our breakup, i asked u and u told me it hasnt. since then, i've been blaming myself. i thot i was the wrong one. now, i dun even know ib we canns last till our 1st mth again. i didnt want to ask ish becosh i didnt want to spoil our relationship. and if your feelings fade please, TELL ME . if u need yr single life back again, i will not rob you of it. but for now, please believe it. i love you. i really do. and, i cant go on without you right now. 没有你, 我会死掉 i FEAR - of losing you again . GOD DOESNT GIB A SECOND CHANCE. HE GIVES A NEW BEGINNING. 一定是我不够好所以你才想要逃 逃到天涯和海角躲在 ![]()