Monday, November 13, 2006
11:53 PM
slept at 3+am last nights. i think so larrhs. oso not sure. dens morning pei mrPIG msg . until i blurr lohhs ! i din even noe i typed those until i was more awake at ard 11+am. went to check sent items cosh he kiip saying i blurr. so went to see wad i send. OMGosh. i see lerrhs i oso wanns luff sia. HOHOHO ~ paiisehh paiisehh ~ x) dens wake up, got rdy and went to meet nanaPOPO. as
usual, im late. x) dens go CO lerrhs. and as usual agn, i went off early. damn it. the fcuking junior . i din want to go de lohhs. budd, HER ATTITUDE ISH REALLY FCUKING ME OFF ! dun even noe whiie she come in halfway. actually ish another junior derrhs lohhs. fcuk man. ohya ! jackKOR change hp ! wahlaos. he go hezhou dens i in CO room take his hp and listen to song lohhs. and, ZILIAN wiib his fone. hahas. dens put as wall paper. dens i go that time i ask somebody to help miie pass to him. hohoho. saw roysten at busstop. hohoho. dens i oso dunno whiie i sat at the busstop for 30mins before leaving. lols. hmms. good weather ? LOLS . dens, finally took the bus. go home - ORHORH ! supposed to meet ELAINE derrhs. budd, NO IDEA WHIIE I CANT FEEL THE VIBRATION AT ALL ! ish, OMGosh. ALOT MISS CALL. think im very very tired. OPPS ~ hahas. dens, haiiyo. wait for msg canns wait until PC wanns canns?! diaos.
someone finally understands how i feel waiting for msg ! hohoho. siians ~ haiish. dens online lohhs. dens like that lohhs. hohoho.
PS: jackKOR de fwen say i AHLIAN ! =X
and, i dun even noe how jackKOR de fwen noe me? hahahas . x)

i place your life
above my own.
so, i want the
best for you .
i love you .

the place they study in. x)
dearrie mrPIG and
CY .

CO lohh.
fcuking sian.
IM GOING TO HAB W810i lerrhs ! next mth. x)