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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
1:12 AM last night i felt something which i've not felt in a long long time. heart woke up at 1pm. i think. dens online. audition. played wiib bacardi and her other fwen. guy. dens was alrdy talking to bacardi on the fone when we were playing. dens she asked hiim to call in just because she wanns miie to hear his voice. DAMN LIKE GURL canns ?! hahas. i thot he was a gurrl when he just called iin lorrhs ! haha ! OPPS ! =X dens mama called. DC lurrhs ! so angry. dens i accidentally kup the fone. hahahas. dens got ready and went to meet SHUAIGE and bacardi at lot lerrhs. DAMN LARRHS. i missed 2 EMPTY TRAINS while waitinf for dem. x( they were LATE! dens went to MEDIACORP via CAB from YISHUN. wahs. the taxi driver OVER fwenly? still kiip offer us sweets . HAHAS. -.- so lame. hahas. dens reached. pleeeaseeee, we were so EARLY and we thot we were LATE. who to support we oso dunnos. dun even noe who are they canns?! 1st recording lehhs. we were supposed to be supporting this person called... called... called when hurrhs? wait. i go check the ticket. ....... VERON YANG. Gosh. she came out that time i was damn shocked. she's the last contestant and she's the other geraldine. she got the highest score ob 37 arhs. dunnos lahs. cant rmb. wed u watch yourself on tv jiu noe lerrhs. x) went to BISHAN J8. pathetic canns. went 7-11 . eat the cupnoodle. the hot water dispenser suks. bought big gulp. 3 ppl share. dens went to the bus stop to eat. LIKE BEGGER CANNS ?! dens the CUPNOODLE SUKS OSO ! everything suks. dens we THREW IT AWAY. went back and got other things to eat, SHUN BIAN top up the biggulp . OPPS ! =X hahas. damn larrhs. pathetic canns. =( hahas. came home , bathe and online lerrhs. x) ![]() tickets ! ![]() the studio. ![]() i love you. sowwie for making you lose thrust in miie. i love you, and i found out last night, i cant lose you. ![]() for you, she'll do anything. SHE 爱 KENNETH . ♥ mrsPIG && mrPIG and it's gonna stay that way. x)