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Saturday, May 10, 2008
go on and take a bow.
10:01 PM You really had me going But now it’s time to go Curtain’s finally closing That was quite a show Very entertaining But it’s over now Go on and take a bow :D Yeah, on Monday, didnt go fr lessons in the morning to study fr geog test. & it was quite shoik to go to school in the aftnoon leh.. so, geog test, turned out... hah. i didnt really study fr food. tortoise escaped! watched 'MiaoShouRenXin3'. and there was a story on how a guy was v unhappy about his life. until, an angel came and he shared how unhappy he was. instead of giving him anything, the angel took everything he had from him. & then, he realised, how lucky he used to be.. i wish i could learn this lesson.. 8may. went to lot 1 as we were released at 2pm. or should i say, i was released at 2pm. :D Lot1 is seriously cool now. it's like we're in town! i bought it fr ahmah! i nv got her a present before. Friday. had 4periods free cause miss Lum was absent. slacked. :D released at 1pm, english paper1 started at 2.30pm. fr lunch break, we went to lot1. :D Hadi's sitting on CT! & look at what are they playing in class... rushed this in the bus. i had less than 2 bus-stop time to do this okay?! for Shuyi's mama. hah. 4/5 guys became so caring, huh? Alif offered t carry my v heavy books t the front bfr exam started & hongping offered t carry my v heavy books back aft exam! wahlao. i almost cried during my paper 1. ): cause i wrote about Benji. & i really wanted t cry! Flipped though sec2 notebook. hah. &that date was the date&time the first time we got together! Salad dinner. :D this morning. i have a gorrila in my room. my new pet! :D night. Apple let me sleep on her. :D i was really bored outta my shit today. &i hate feelings like this. well, jealousy really kills eh? but this shows how much you care! On Sunday night, baby said he wanna kill Apple... :D thing is baby, i dont wanna complain t you anymore, or tell you what i feel. cause in the end, it'd only lead us t another quarrel. i sacrificed sleep fr you, just t accompany you. but aft 10mins, you suddenly stop replying, &aft another 10mins, you reply saying you had t do area cleaning. then, i waited agn. then when you're finally free, you chose to play your psp, not even wanting t msg me. & then agn, i waited. then in the end, something happened that made us not even able to talk fr awhile. i dont need those last few mins of your day bfr you sleep. it makes it look like you're calling fr the sake of calling, & not because you want too. i dont need this lor. & for the first time ever since you went in, we didnt talk on the phone. and once it happened, it went on fr 3days.. im tired of waiting, im tired of you taking me fr granted. if only you'd start wanting to spend your time w me a little more.. &strangely enough, i thot you didnt have enough time t even msg me doing your chores. why is it that you can come online? be it doing things fr your sister or whatsoever. you place everything above me. everything. & im tired. oh, &woah. you're finally typing something that concerns me on your msn nick! comgrats, baby. you've just gotten back your freedom. live your old ways once agn, finding flings, flirting ard, wasting your life away. &you dont know those nights i cried fr you.. 想念是会呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落 i wish i'd get into some kind of accident, and almost lose my life. that way, i'd learn how treasure life more. if i'd be gone tmr, will you have felt how much i loved you?