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Saturday, May 03, 2008
iloveApple! :D
6:46 PM "Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life." -Burton Hills :D it's the weekends! yay. had first lesson of chem tuition yday. & we both couldnt hold out 2hours. so, the subsequent lessons will be 1.5hours. that saves mama a quarter of the fees. the weather is getting hot hot hot. actually, i dont know what to blog about. i put salt on my ulcer and i started jumping in pain. im slacking, still not feeling the urgency to study. i want all the info in my head just like that, without effort. im getting sleepy.... it's only 7.15pm. ohGosh. I had a strange dream last night. like in those fantasy story like that. But, erm, it was scary... ): Unknown person(i cant rmb who was it), myself, duckie kor & strangely enough, Chongyong. ohman, i miss them so much ): it's been 10 months since i last saw them. & i seriously wanna see them soon! roar. & 2 nights ago i dreamt about baby. but, i cant remember what was it about.. oh yah, that reminds me. Chinese Midyear. I wrote the story question.. About: it's the journey that counts, not the destination. & the destination didnt come out quite right, but i learnt alot through the journey. i wrote about a friendship, and poured out all my feelings in. well, all my story is true one leh, im really bad at making up stories. mayb that's why,.... i always score well for my stories! :D i spent like half my time slipping the dictionary lah.. figure it. "Our joy comes not from our circumstances but because of who God is and what He has done for us. We can be happy in spite of the despair all around us because the Lord is w us through turmoil. We can praise Him even when there's not a song in our hearts because we know our heavenly Father is in control of every phase of our lives. Happiness isnt found in our circumstances. True joy is in God." I quoted it from the storybook i've been reading. I find myself growing in the Lord, yet im not ready to commit t God again. Further more, i've got a boyf who dont believe in Christ. ): Religion crashed. *piang* baby's always the one starting the quarrels. okay lah, not always. but each time he starts a quarrel, it's my feelings that fading. now, i dont drink or anything when we quarrel. i didnt even cry as much when he said he wanted t leave. & now, i dont have much tears anymore. you're are a v unromantic boyf & really dont know how t make me happy! but i know&can tell you're trying t be the best you can for me! :D & that, itself, is enough to touch me. 沒有誰能取代妳在我心上 擁有一個專屬天使 wll you still need me, will you still feed me, when im 64? :D BAH!! orbi. who ask you take your own photo using my phone, changing the startup photo, screen saver, wallpaper... &then switching off my phone! ![]() i saw this in Chihow's profile.. LOL. i packed my table! now i can even lay books on the table. motivational quotes that dont really help me at all. (the top part of the table is still messy..) iloveAPPLE! :D ilovehermorethanyou,baby! :/ so, you should love her too and stop calling her names. :D that *&%$# if only she passed me the Photoshop since i asked her too, i would have returned it to her le lor! f f f f f f. i'm going to start sending those attitude msges to her. roars.