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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
9:28 PM 我一直記得一個畫面,一個爸爸牽著一個小孩的畫面。 一個下午,我如往常走在回家的路上。那是一條長長的巷子,旁邊有一些矮厝,雜著臭水溝及垃圾的味道,沿路的人家大都是收破爛或收廢紙箱的清苦家庭。 當我掩鼻欲過時,發現眼前原來一直有兩個身影,一個大一個小……是一個爸爸牽著一個四五歲的孩子。我一邊好奇一邊走近,看小孩背著書包的模樣,我想那爸爸應是去接他下課的,再仔細一看,發現他一邊的袖子隨著他走路的節奏,空蕩蕩的搖擺著,原來那個爸爸只有一隻手,而那一隻手緊緊牽著那個活潑好動的小孩。 那個爸爸一會兒拉著小孩閃後面的來車,一會兒整理小孩身上的衣服,用一隻手,然後他們走進其中一間鐵皮屋裏,兩個身影消失在黃昏裏。 我一直反覆想到那父親緊緊握著孩子的手,那是一種專注的愛;用一隻手,打造一個家庭,一個避風港。 我們也許雙手健全,可以做很多很多的事,卻忘了對周遭的人付出關懷。人總是要失去了,才會珍惜曾經擁有的。你有多久沒去牽牽自己親人的手呢?不要吝於表現自己的愛吧,你將發現,原來生活中最平常的事最值得感恩。 內地現下雪災,深深祝福所有人! *** O's finally over! i mean, MT. guess, it's quite difficult, compared the those previous year's paper. (i know cause i did the mock papers lah!) well, thanks CheukTing&Eileen fr blessings. :D went t expo yesterday. Popular&food fair. saw Celine and Tunli halfway. No, corrections. they saw us. & they remembered us when they got the Thai Sweet! how swt of them... -.- in popular fair, a retard faced diaoed me. ): how sad. he and his gf got retard face lah. even kissing Apple's butt is an honor t them! ~~~ i went there w Yingjing. the 1hour train ride,... dont seem 1hour at all. serious! if not,.. how i travel there everyweek in the past. duh. thr were times i still travelled alone, standing! erm, didnt go fr geog lesson today cause i think that... i go in t the classroom w that amt of knowledge, come out of the classroom, still that amt of knowledge. :/ tmr will be a brand new day. :D lazy to upload pictures lah.. & im sure, it all gets better in time. :DD it's called a breakup,... cause it's broken. PS: visit ! see contact lens. if they arent up yet, go back see another day lah! cause i haven posted yet, actually. :DD 为了我就当作这次为了我 别让我因为你被回忆折磨 i feel so robbed of emotions now. i realised.. i haven felt happy nor sad nor angry nor whatever fr a long long long time. i hope this isnt the reason why i feel as though my feelings faded.