The Red Carpet ♥

Sunday, April 28, 2013

As you can see from the title....


19th April 2013
Met the blondy for some study session at HV's Coffeebean.
It was crazily packed. Exams period... 

20th April 2013
 Went to utown located at NUS for the first time.
Must say it was not bad a place for studying.
Plus it's free parking. Woohoo!
Couldn't stand it. The smell was so overwhelming.
Bought this to eat hahah 

21st April 2013
This time...a molten cake. yumz 

22nd April, first day of exam.
 Mum was sending me home and we saw this car plate XXX1111X I had a picture but I'm so lazy to edit out the plate so...words it is.

23rd April 2013
 Woke up early to study. Asked my maid to buy the deluxe breakfast but she bought big breakfast. I not happy :(

Hahaha see what exams did to me...
Time to start eating clean again and get the toned stomach/legs back.

My new skin teehee

 What my bed becomes when I'm studying at home hahah
The cushion is from my sofa.

This bedsheet it bought for CNY haha don't doubt my style hor.
and not that I haven't changed the bed sheet, my bed sheet is changed every 2 days.
Maybe more frequent then you bathing. hahaha

24th April 2013
My superwoman went to work 2 hours later just to send me to school *hearts* 
And I slept for only 40mins the night before.

Later that night, went to utown again.
This is Hewett's scenario for an offer and counter offer. Hahaha
He learns really fast, the basics for offer and acceptance and helped understand repudiation with me. 

26th April, last paper!
 After the paper. Teehee
Went for Kang Yu's Sea Soldier Night at loyang.
Apple hates taking photos with me

Drive also can drive until wanna cry.
Felt like I drove for a distance already but when my GPS showed 20km more...I sighed damn loudly in my car. Hahah and 20km to exit the express way only...first expressway..

 Went to find duck and gf after leaving the chalet since he stays so close.
 Had supper at Changi V.! Thanks for the treat muacks muacks.
I like his gf. And their relationship is special cause on the first night they got together, they spent it w me at my birthday chalet. Haha

And she said I lost weight last night heheh
Spammed within 5mins

OTW home, I realised this lizard on my wind screen sia..
I panicked for as long as it was there. Didn't dare on the wiper also for fear I might hurt it..
So I sped up the moment I hit the express way so it'd fly off hahah
And it did. Hope it's still alive now.

27th April 2013
 Had an awesome sleep cause I was too exhausted.
I'm a really light sleeper so my sleep always gets interrupted.
I started about a week ago that I'd mute my phone bfr I sleep but sometimes I just don't know why I'll just wake up.
So this photo was what I did when I woke up just now so I'd wake up and not go back to sleep hahah Apple don't like to look happy for the camera.


 Met my favoritest Bartender and he has 2 stomachs hence needing two meals. 
 You like my make up? I was themed cat. Pass not? 

My virgin official bike ride was from my place to westmall zzz
But it was a good distance for me to start up hahah

But was told I'm the last of his close friends to be pillioned  by him :(
And that it's fair cause I was the 2nd to be told he passed cause the 1st is his bro.

Brought him to try Black Ball
Technically he brought me there la and it was awesome cause we went onto the expressway!

The part I found most scary about riding a bike is the exhaust pipe.
Seen many cases where their skin almost become ba kua. 

Punggol Kia comes to Westmall

People don't understand us.
But it's long as we understand each other. Hahah 

We have almost the same set. Haha
A note and an iPhone

Iron Man themed
Phone and da socks and maroon top.

See my legs? If kena exhaust pipe really ba kua sia.
I need to work on those fats.

Went for some porridge after that.
Oh no, not for 2 only.
I booked the tix last night and told my gfs about it. So they booked it this morning beside me hehe and Benny couldn't make it in time for the movie so HP took over his place.

But HP didn't join for supper though.

 Dex finally helped me install Pokemon yellow on my Samsung!! Yipee

Back to childhood days

So how? Can or not?? I think my inner blogger is almost awake. Need to play more pokeflute to wake it up. Coma for too long. Might come back stronger now.

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It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.-Tennyson



